1. Introduction
The banking ecosystem Platform provides all services required to establish trustful relationships among the participants of the banking ecosystem trust network and optionally to collect billing data.
This documentation contains descriptions of the interfaces of the Platform services. It is intended to provide the necessary information for developers using this services of the Platform.
The banking ecosystem Platform is decomposed into several system components and microservices, which are described in this section.
1.1. Account Chooser
The Account Chooser (https://accounts.openbanking.verimi.de) enables the RP to query the matching OpenID Provider Issuer for the user who is supposed to be authenticated. The Account Chooser gets invoked by the user’s user agent and provides a user interface where the user can select the bank he has an account on. The Account Chooser provides the issuer URL of the respective IDP (OpenID Provider) to the RP by using an HTTP redirect (302 - Found). It also allows the RP to check the authenticity of an issuer URL, which is required before any OAuth/OpenID Connect process is started using a particular issuer URL.
1.2. Authorization Server
The Authorization Server (https://as.openbanking.verimi.de) manages authentication and authorization of all entities accessing Platform APIs. The Authorization Server uses the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant in conjunction with OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS Client Authentication and Certificate Bound Access Tokens to authenticate clients and prevent token leakage. After successful authentication, the client is provided with an access token containing its authorization data. The client in turn uses this access token when invoking any of the Platform APIs.
The following APIs must be invoked using a valid access token:
Bank Directory
IDP Directory
RP Directory
SP Directory
SC Directory
Service Configuration
Billing Mediation Service v2
1.3. Directory
The Directory is comprised of several micro services that can be queried or updated by authorized components. These microservices are:
Bank directory (https://api.openbanking.verimi.de/banks/v1/)
Contains general information (bank identification code, name) about all active and passive banks. It is used to search banks in the account chooser. -
IDP directory (https://api.openbanking.verimi.de/idps/v1/)
Contains IDP-specific information like the BIC to IDP mapping and the issuer URL. All other IDP configuration data are published in the respective IDP’s OpenID Provider Configuration. -
RP directory (https://api.openbanking.verimi.de/rps/v1/)
Contains RP client metadata and credentials like the client_id, the public key certificates, the allowed scopes & claims as well as redirect_uris for Account Chooser and the OpenID Connect Flow. The metadata is based on OpenID Connect client metadata but contains additional banking ecosystem-specific attributes. -
SP directory (https://api.openbanking.verimi.de/sps/v1/)
Contains service provider (SP) metadata and credentials like the client_id, the public key certificates, and the supported scopes & required claims.The metadata is based on OpenID Connect client metadata but contains additional banking ecosystem-specific attributes. -
SC directory (https://api.openbanking.verimi.de/scs/v1/)
Contains service configurations (SC) that map IDPs to sets of SPs with which they collaborate to provide additional services like QES. -
Service Configuration (https://api.openbanking.verimi.de/service-configuration/v1/)
Contains a read-only view for RPs on the SC Directory for service discovery.
1.4. Billing Mediation
The billing mediation service v2 (https://api.openbanking.verimi.de/mediationrecords/v2) enables the IDPs and SPs to pass billing-relevant events to the banking ecosystem.
1.5. Use cases
Currently, there are the following use cases for accessing the Platform:
Service Configuration
1.5.1. Management
Management refers to the creation and further management of directory entries. Any party wanting to act in this role, needs to setup a technical account with the Platform AS first (see below). It then uses the CRUD requests on the directories in conjunction with access tokens issued by the Platform AS.
1.5.2. IDP
IDPs need to synchronize periodically with the RP and SP directories in order to keep the data they use to authenticate and authorize RPs and SPs up-to-date. The synchronization works as follows:
The IDP obtains an access token from token endpoint of the Platform AS
With this access token the IDP can obtain all registered RPs from the banking ecosystem RP directory (and subsequently store this data in its local RP database for further use)
With the same token the IDP can obtain all SPs it has whitelisted from the banking ecosystem SC directory to synchronize the SPs' clients to that the SPs are able to use the IDP’s introspection endpoint to receive the data they need to fulfill their service
The IDP may also want to use banking ecosystem as a billing platform. In this case, it sends mediation records to the billing mediation service. This request also requires a valid access token.
1.6. Account Management & API Invocation
1.6.1. Technical Accounts
The API consumer (independent of the use case) must be in possession of
a private key and
a corresponding certificate (may be self-signed)
a client ID with the Platform AS.
The key and certificate may be created by any suitable tool. For example the openssl command would be
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -subj '/CN=<insert your client name>' -nodes
The public key certificate (only!) needs to be sent to the banking ecosystem Platform team, it will provide you with a client_id. Then add the certificate and public key to your HTTP client.
1.6.2. Authorization
The permissions of an technical account are determined by its allowed scope values. These scope values are set at creation time and can be modified later on.
Every directory entry belongs to a so-called owner id. Permissions can be limited to the entries belonging to a certain owner.
Every protected API request type requires a certain scope value (or one out of several alternatives), please consult the request documentation for the specific scope values.
1.6.3. Obtain an Access Token
API consumers obtain the access token from the Platform AS by using the client_credentials grant type in combination with TLS Client Authentication.
1.6.4. API Invocation
API consumers must send a valid access token along with every request to a protected Platform API.
All access tokens are bound to the public key certificate used to obtain the access token.This is a means to prevent token leakage.It requires API consumers to establish the TLS connection to the Platform APIs using TLS Client Authentication with the key & certificate used to obtain the token.
1.7. Base URL
There are two independent Platform instances provided to partners, which are production and sandbox. This are the respective base DNS names:
Sandbox: sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud
Production: openbanking.verimi.com
This document describes the URL of any resource or API relative to the respective base DNS names, the examples are given for the base URL of the sandbox.
2. Authorization Server
2.1. Token endpoint
The token endpoint can be found at
The client is authenticated via TLS client authentication for OAuth 2.0., for more information see: mTLS OAth2
Here is an an example of a curl command:
2.1.1. Get a AccessToken for Platform Services
$ curl -i --request POST \
--cert cert.pem \
--key key.pem \
--url https://as.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/token/ \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=test_client'
Example AccessToken Response
HTTP/1.1 200
status: 200
date: Thu, 22 Mar 2018 13:30:24 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
content-length: 828
connection: keep-alive
cache-control: no-store
pragma: no-cache
"access_token": "....WQiOiJOQnlWIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0X2NsaWVud....nNjcCI6WyJlbWFpbCIsImh0dHBzOlwvXC95ZXMuY29tXC9wZXJzb25fZGF0YSJdLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXMuc2FuZGJveC55ZXMuY29tIiwiY25mIjp7Ing1dCNTMjU2IjoiVGRvT09DeWd1R2tiaTJPTFY5TmdCYUw2czhEbXhMUmVHUFh6RG14T0ZGNCJ9LCJleHAiOjE1MTc1NzY1NTksImlhdCI6MTUxNzU3NTk1OSwiY2lkIjoidGVzdF9jbGllbnQifQ.BqeNm0MWNkh....g36weG_CAh4V3aT1RT-_F6qE57yKj-ORYqZlo2QI_xg_-URmrVmit245PdDD0TsJfe46b9QtlTyy4E3Q66d4CAovM8wqqDWGJ39QvoomuDaA7MxrhQBmb3RkZHisoUL5mfrIzu2JJj4Ja0i-uRL_FjU7tC9qDuOoOL8z6v5TS9DrIXDuH6kccF5pEHXLrp24KYd105I3wXQmhAg_CdG4zXWU5EmPkFw-fHRiTFw0F40ofcVK9YUwhgUUQ3T4TV8fR_Z2EsVKm21VBMuWzSSgT-93cSgGlXNI5OQtkjRHNW8cDib3pNZtnfPOPbXiPDXssmUneGg",
"scope": "rp_read_all",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 600
3. Account Chooser
3.1. Initialization of the Account Chooser
The RP starts the Account Chooser with the provided client_id
at the following URL:
https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/?client_id={client ID of the RP}
3.2. Parameter state
You can add a state parameter to the initial request. The state
will then be present at every redirect to the provided
redirect URL of the RP.
The allowed length for the state is limited as the length of the complete URL is limited. We recommend to use URLs with less than 2048 characters. |
https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/?client_id={client ID of the RP}&state=iasgnrkgj3k
https://{redirect URI of the rp}/?issuer_url={issuer URL of the idp}&state=iasgnrkgj3k
3.3. Remembering the selected bank
On your first visit, the account chooser will remember your selected bank in a cookie, if an IDP was successfully found. On your next visit, you will immediately be redirected if the IDP is available. If you want to choose another bank, you have to add the following url parameter to your initial Account Chooser request:
https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/?client_id={client ID of the RP}&prompt=select_account
3.3.1. Delete the cookie
To delete the cookie you can either use your browser’s function or use the account chooser API by calling
3.4. Additional initial request parameters
since 22.04.2021
3.4.1. Parameter preselect_bic
A bank can be preselected with this paramter under the appropriate conditions (see below) in order to skip the
account chooser. The response will be returned immediately, and the account chooser ui is not displayed.
The bic
cookie for remembering the previously selected bank will also be written using the value from the
If the cookie is already present, it will be ignored and overwritten with the value from the
preselect_bic parameter.
https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/?client_id={client ID of the RP}&state=iasgnrkgj3k&preselect_bic=TESTDEY0001
In case of an error, the response url contains the parameter error=invalid_request
and one of the following descriptions as error_description=…
Action | Example error_description |
usage of |
usage of both parameters |
the |
the |
the |
3.4.2. Parameter return_bic
Request parameter to add the bank selected by the user as selected_bic=…
response parameter to the account chooser
redirect response.
https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/?client_id={client ID of the RP}&state=iasgnrkgj3k&return_bic=true
https://{redirect URI of the rp}/?issuer_url={issuer URL of the idp}&state=iasgnrkgj3k&selected_bic={selected bank bic}
3.5. The User interacts with the Account Chooser
The user searches with the Account Chooser for his or her bank. Searching can be done via BIC or the name of the bank.
3.6. Redirect when the bank is found
If the search leads to a unique result, the Account Chooser performs a redirect to the provided redirect URL of the RP. The issuer URL of the selected bank (IDP) is passed as a parameter.
https://{redirect URI of the rp}/?issuer_url={issuer URL of the idp}
3.6.1. Example
The RP uses the redirect URI https://rpbackend.acme.com
The user is searching for the bank with the BIC "TESTBANK" and the issuer URL https://idp.testbank.com
After the interaction with the user, the Account Chooser performs the following redirect:
The Relying Party has to check the given issuer_url
with the Account-Chooser API, see: Check Issuer
3.7. Redirect when the user cancels the flow
Some interactions with the user can result in the cancellation of the account chooser workflow and returning the user to the relying party. In such a case, the account chooser will redirect to the rp with an url parameter 'error' detailling the specific reason:
Action | Error code |
Pressing the "back" button |
The bank search returned no results |
The user selected a bank that either has no idp (issuer) at all, or the found idp is inactive |
3.8. API Operations
Account Chooser provided APIs.
3.8.1. Check Issuer
Check the issuer_url
the relying party has received with the account-chooser redirect URL, as URL parameter.
$ curl 'https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/idp/' -i -X GET
The API returns an HTTP status code and an empty body.
Result response HTTP 204 (no content)
When the IDP is found and "active"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-B3-TraceId: 65e7d15884601947bc2faee3cad616c2
X-B3-SpanId: 6a1d1334a829848d
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; connect-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com https://api-js.mixpanel.com; style-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; script-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; img-src *
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:13:44 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Result response HTTP 400 (bad request)
When the URL parameter iss
is not a valid URI
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-B3-TraceId: 65e7d156be47091601d0e030443d036b
X-B3-SpanId: 168c8bd2d5ef8316
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; connect-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com https://api-js.mixpanel.com; style-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; script-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; img-src *
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:13:41 GMT
Connection: close
Result response HTTP 404 (not found)
When the IDP is not found in IDP Directory
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-B3-TraceId: 65e7d1555b77065af309f82f8899da6b
X-B3-SpanId: 7d309f2dcfede9af
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; connect-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com https://api-js.mixpanel.com; style-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; script-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; img-src *
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:13:40 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Result response HTTP 423 (locked)
When the IDP is found but not "active"
HTTP/1.1 423 Locked
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-B3-TraceId: 65e7d1577b26f8cd68b28df2a5ce39de
X-B3-SpanId: 5c4c4ce1968e8e7d
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; connect-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com https://api-js.mixpanel.com; style-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; script-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; img-src *
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:13:44 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
4. Account Chooser External API
Relevant parts of the Account Chooser can also be accessed with an API to allow for implementing a custom account chooser.
The following methods are provided relative to the base path |
All parameters for the respective request are required, unless otherwise noted.
4.1. Init external Account Chooser: GET /init
Notify the initiation of the external account chooser. To be called first when the external account chooser application was initiated. This shall only be called once per the user’s transaction.
4.1.1. Request
https://accounts.openbanking.verimi.de/ext/init?clientId=<client id>
Parameter | Restriction | Description |
clientId |
a valid client id for the banking ecosystem |
the client id of the relying party |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/ext/init' -i -X GET
4.1.2. Responses
Client id does exist and the init call was tracked in statistics
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-B3-TraceId: 65e7d14356ba98bb0496246bd30c8f08
X-B3-SpanId: 0250fb0d50fa7930
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; connect-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com https://api-js.mixpanel.com; style-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; script-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; img-src *
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:13:23 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Bad Request / 400
Bad input parameter
Not Found / 404
Not found
4.2. Search Bank Directory: GET /search
Search the bank directory for a given search term.
Searches bank directory entries for the given search term and tracks search request. It is expected, that the user is typing its bank’s name or bank’s BIC into a search field of the external account chooser application. This method shall be called for every input change and therefore delivers with every new character a better matching list of banks.
4.2.1. Request
https://accounts.openbanking.verimi.de/ext/search?clientId=<client id>&term=<search term>
Parameter | Restriction | Description |
clientId |
a valid client id for the banking ecosystem |
the client id of the relying party |
term |
1 to 100 Characters, see: Allowed Characters |
search for a list of Banks by the |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/ext/search' -i -X GET
4.2.2. Responses
OK / 200
A list of banks for the given search term, see bank response datamodel for a description.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-B3-TraceId: 65e7d143077e77acb3339f9d0eafd023
X-B3-SpanId: 1c905caa8d455fef
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; connect-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com https://api-js.mixpanel.com; style-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; script-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; img-src *
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:13:23 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 1093
[ {
"bic" : "TESTDEY0001",
"blz" : "47110815",
"name" : "Test Bank",
"zip" : "47110",
"city" : "Nirgendwo2",
"federation_sub" : null
}, {
"bic" : "TESTDEY0003",
"blz" : "47110815",
"name" : "Test Bank (testidp)",
"zip" : "47110",
"city" : "Nirgendwo",
"federation_sub" : null
}, {
"bic" : "TESTDEY0002",
"blz" : "47110815",
"name" : "Test Bank (inaktiv)",
"zip" : "47110",
"city" : "Nirgendwo",
"federation_sub" : null
}, {
"bic" : "TESTDEY0006",
"blz" : "88888888",
"name" : "Encoding & Test & Co. Kg",
"zip" : "55555",
"city" : "Nirgendwo",
"federation_sub" : null
}, {
"bic" : "TESTVER0004",
"blz" : "40000004",
"name" : "Verimi Test Bank Delete",
"zip" : "47111",
"city" : "Delete me",
"federation_sub" : null
}, {
"bic" : "TESTIDP0006",
"blz" : "00000006",
"name" : "Testbank 6 (testidp6)",
"zip" : "47116",
"city" : "Teststadt6",
"federation_sub" : null
}, {
"bic" : "TESTIDP0007",
"blz" : "00000007",
"name" : "Testbank 7 (testidp7)",
"zip" : "47117",
"city" : "Teststadt7",
"federation_sub" : null
} ]
Bad Request / 400
Bad input parameter
4.3. Select IDP: GET /idp
Get information of the selected IDP.
To be called when the user has selected a bank and its idp information are required. This method is expected to be called when the user clicks one of the suggested banks of the former bank search. The status (active, inactive) and iss (issuer URL of IDP) fields of the IDP response object can be used for further filtering decisions in the external account chooser application.
4.3.1. Request
https://accounts.openbanking.verimi.de/ext/idp?clientId=<client id> &bic=<bic of the selected bank> &term=<search term> &bankName=<name of the selected bank> &clickPosition=<position of the selected bank in the list of banks>
Parameter | Restriction | Description |
clientId |
a valid client id for the banking ecosystem |
the client id of the relying party |
bic |
a valid bic |
the bic (Bank Identifier Code) for the selected bank |
term |
1 to 100 Characters, see: Allowed Characters |
the final search term the user entered in the search field before selecting a bank |
bankName |
1 to 100 Characters, see: Allowed Characters |
the name of selected bank as displayed in the Account Chooser |
clickPosition |
an integer with a minimum value of 1 |
the position of the selected bank within the retrieved list of banks (indexing starts at 1, so the first bank in the list has clickPosition 1) |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/ext/idp' -i -X GET
4.3.2. Responses
OK / 200
The IDP for the selected bank, see idp response data model for a description.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-B3-TraceId: 65e7d142728e798efe687ac018a4f516
X-B3-SpanId: 20034b2b975af5fe
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; connect-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com https://api-js.mixpanel.com; style-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; script-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; img-src *
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:13:23 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 67
"iss" : "https://accounts.testbank.de",
"status" : "active"
Bad Request / 400
Bad input parameter
Not Found / 404
The IDP does not exist in the IDP directory, in case the requested BIC was correct, this must be treated as the bank does not yet participate.
4.4. Selection: GET /selection
Send information if an external provider is used for the following transaction.
To be called when the RP is about to redirect to the IDP. The call shall also pass the information if an external provider is used for the following transaction. This is expected to be the last call in the user’s account chooser transaction and to be called only once.
4.4.1. Request
https://accounts.openbanking.verimi.de/ext/selection?clientId=<client id> &useExternal=<true|false> &bankName=<name of the selected bank> &iss=<the issuer url of the idp>
Parameter | Restriction | Description |
clientId |
a valid client id for the banking ecosystem |
the client id of the relying party |
useExternal |
boolean flag, one of the values |
that parameter must be set to |
bankName |
1 to 100 Characters, see: Allowed Characters |
the name of selected bank as displayed in the Account Chooser |
iss |
a valid url |
The IDP issuer url as received by the previous |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/ext/selection' -i -X GET
4.4.2. Responses
The request was tracked.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-B3-TraceId: 65e7d143f224a750c42c157e5fa64e03
X-B3-SpanId: 6ef2349748838690
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; connect-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com https://api-js.mixpanel.com; style-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; script-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; img-src *
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:13:23 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Bad Request / 400
Bad input parameter
4.5. Abort the transaction: GET /abort
Send information that user aborted the external account chooser.
To be called when the user aborts the external account chooser in a way that it can be detected by the application. This is expected to be called only once per transaction or not at all.
4.5.1. Request
https://accounts.openbanking.verimi.de/ext/abort?clientId=<client id>
Parameter | Restriction | Description |
clientId |
a valid client id for the banking ecosystem |
the client id of the relying party |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://accounts.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/ext/abort' -i -X GET
4.5.2. Responses
The event was tracked.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
X-B3-TraceId: 65e7d1430c04a3b6834271208608a955
X-B3-SpanId: 689dcf734d019240
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; connect-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com https://api-js.mixpanel.com; style-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com 'unsafe-inline'; child-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; script-src 'self' accounts.local.yes.com; img-src *
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:13:23 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Bad Request / 400
Bad input parameter
Not Found / 401
Unauthorized RP client id
5. Bank Directory
Currently for internal use only. |
For data model explanation take a look at [bank-response-datamodel]. For error responses see General expectable responses.
5.1. API Operations
5.1.1. READ ALL (search by term) : Method GET
Banks can be searched by the following search criteria:
Bank name
BLZ (German banks)
Allowed characters are (search by term only):
Scope value | Description |
bank_read |
Read all bank configurations for the given search term, unrestricted |
bank_read#owner_id:{owner_id} |
Read all bank configurations restricted to the given |
https://<basepath>/<version>/?term=<search term>
The bank search API supports several parameters, which are all optional.
Note: If none of the parameters are set, a list of all banks belonging to the corresponding owner (scope bank_read#owner_id:{owner_id}
) is returned. The search by term
is not affected by the owner_id.
Parameter | Restriction | Description |
term |
1 to 100 Characters (see: "Allowed characters" above) |
(deprecated) search for a list of Banks by the |
search |
1 to 100 Characters (see: "Allowed characters" above) |
search for a list of Banks by the |
limit |
Integer |
Limit the result list to a certain size |
distinct |
Enum (name, none) |
Distinct the value names to avoid duplicate bank names |
Here is an example of how the parameters have to be used.
https://<basepath>/<version>/?term=<search term>&limit=<maximum number of results>&distinct=name
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/banks/v1/' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2024 02:23:36 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 183
[ {
"id" : 42,
"bic" : "TESTDEY9999",
"blz" : "47110815",
"name" : "Test Bank",
"zip" : "47110",
"city" : "Nirgendwo",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"keywords" : null
} ]
5.1.2. READ by ID: Method GET
Read a resource from the directory by appending the resource id
to the service endpoint.
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/banks/v1/23' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2024 02:23:00 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 179
"id" : 23,
"bic" : "TESTDEY9999",
"blz" : "47110815",
"name" : "Test Bank",
"zip" : "47110",
"city" : "Nirgendwo",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"keywords" : null
5.1.3. CREATE : Method POST
Create a bank in the bank directory.
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
bank_create |
Create a bank configuration, unrestricted |
bank_create#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Create a bank configuration, restricted to "owner_id" of the found resource |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/banks/v1/' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"bic" : "TESTDEY9999",
"blz" : "47110815",
"name" : "Test Bank",
"zip" : "47110",
"city" : "Nirgendwo",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"keywords" : "testbank yesbank"
Bank Request Data Model
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
not null / 1 to 50 character / unique / Must match the regular expression in words: |
the Business Identifier Code (BIC) according to ISO 9362 |
nullable / 1 to 50 character |
the BLZ ('Bankleitzahl') |
not null / 1 to 255 character |
the bank name |
nullable / 1 to 50 character |
the the zip code of the city where the bank is located |
nullable / 1 to 255 character |
the city where the bank is located |
not null / 1 to 50 character |
the id of the owner of the bank entry |
nullable / 1 to 65,535 character |
(optional) WHITESPACE separated list of keywords to search for. The keyword may have a fuzziness of one character and may start with the given search term. |
Result response HTTP 201 (Created)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2024 02:23:09 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 193
"id" : 24,
"bic" : "TESTDEY9999",
"blz" : "47110815",
"name" : "Test Bank",
"zip" : "47110",
"city" : "Nirgendwo",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"keywords" : "testbank yesbank"
5.1.4. UPDATE : Method PUT
Update a bank in the bank directory.
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
bank_update |
Update a bank configuration, unrestricted |
bank_update#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Update a bank configuration, restricted to "owner_id" of the found resource |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/banks/v1/17' -i -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"bic" : "TESTDEY9999",
"blz" : "47110815",
"name" : "Test Bank",
"zip" : "47110",
"city" : "Nirgendwo",
"keywords" : "yesbank testbank",
"owner_id" : null
Bank Request Data Model
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
not null / 1 to 50 character / unique / must match BIC format / Must match the regular expression in words: |
the Business Identifier Code (BIC) according to ISO 9362 |
nullable / 1 to 50 character |
the BLZ ('Bankleitzahl') |
not null / 1 to 255 character |
the bank name |
nullable / 1 to 50 character |
the the zip code of the city where the bank is located |
nullable / 1 to 255 character |
the city where the bank is located |
nullable / 1 to 65,535 character |
(optional) WHITESPACE separated list of keywords to search for. The keyword may have a fuzziness of one character and may start with the given search term. |
nullable / 1 to 50 character |
(optional) The new |
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2024 02:22:51 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 193
"id" : 17,
"bic" : "TESTDEY9999",
"blz" : "47110815",
"name" : "Test Bank",
"zip" : "47110",
"city" : "Nirgendwo",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"keywords" : "yesbank testbank"
Bank Response Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
the internal id |
the Business Identifier Code (BIC) according to ISO 9362 |
the BLZ ('Bankleitzahl') |
the bank name |
the the zip code of the city where the bank is located |
the city where the bank is located |
the id of the owner of the bank entry |
WHITESPACE separated list of keywords to search for. The keyword may have a fuzziness of one character and may start with the given search term. |
When no banks were found for the search term in bank name, BIC, or BLZ the API will respond with an empty array.
5.1.5. DELETE : Method DELETE
Delete a bank from the bank directory.
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
bank_delete |
Delete a bank configuration, unrestricted |
bank_delete#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Delete a bank configuration, restricted to "owner_id" of the found resource |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/banks/v1/46' -i -X DELETE
6. IDP Directory
The IDP Directory is accessible at the following service endpoint:
6.1. API Operations
6.1.1. CREATE: Method POST
Create an IDP configuration in the IDP Directory by posting it to the service endpoint:
Scope value | Description |
idp_create |
Create an IDP configuration (not restricted to any specific 'owner_id') |
idp_create#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Create an IDP configuration, restricted to the 'owner_id' given in HTTP body |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/idps/v1/' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"bics" : [ "TESTDEY0456", "TESTDEY0123" ],
"iss" : "http://some.issuer.com",
"previous_iss" : [ "www.previous.two.iss.url.de", "www.previous.one.iss.url.de" ],
"status" : "active",
"owner_id" : "owner_test_user",
"notification_email" : "test@mail.com",
"logo_uri" : "https://www.idp.com/path/to/logo/logo.img",
"notification_email_senders" : null
IDP Request Data Model
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
(optional) can be empty or must at least contain one BIC. Must match the regular expression in words: |
a list of |
not null / has to be an url / unique |
the |
(optional) can be empty or must at least contain one iss_url. Must only contain unique urls |
a list of previous issuer_urls, e.g. the issuer_urls of merged banks |
(optional) can be empty or must contain the IDPs logo url. Must be a valid url to the IDP’s logo. |
The logo must conform to the following requirements:
- Aspect ratio: 1:1 to 4:1 (you may embed your logo in a surrounding space to conform to this) |
not null or empty / 1 to 50 character |
the owner_id |
(optional) allowed values are |
Indicates if the idp is currently active or not |
(optional) must be a valid email address |
IDP’s email address e.g. used by SPs for incident reporting |
(optional) valid email addresses |
Legitimate email sender(s) for this IDP that can be checked by the receivers (e.g. SPs) |
Result response HTTP 201 (CREATED)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:34:34 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 414
"id" : "15d47d15-3d87-4fbd-8f9b-30dacdd5c0e6",
"bics" : [ "TESTDEY0456", "TESTDEY0123" ],
"iss" : "http://some.issuer.com",
"previous_iss" : [ "www.previous.two.iss.url.de", "www.previous.one.iss.url.de" ],
"status" : "active",
"owner_id" : "owner_test_user",
"notification_email" : "test@mail.com",
"logo_uri" : "https://www.idp.com/path/to/logo/logo.img",
"notification_email_senders" : [ ]
6.1.2. READ All: Method GET
Read all IDP configurations the caller is allowed to access.
At least one of the following scopes are required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
idp_read |
Read any IDP configuration (not restricted to a specific 'owner_id') |
idp_read#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Read IDP configurations restricted to the given owner id. |
If the caller has the scope
and one or moreidp_read
scopes restricted to owner ids, all IDP configurations are returned. -
If the caller has several restricted scopes
for different owner ids, all IDP configurations for the respective owner ids are returned.
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/idps/v1/' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:34:56 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 2173
[ {
"id" : "1dd0453d-d8b0-4d14-8eb3-b38fe7f9c032",
"bics" : [ ],
"iss" : "https://anothertestidp.local.yes.com/issuer",
"previous_iss" : [ ],
"status" : "active",
"owner_id" : "7d077f17-314c-43e5-88b5-56210554d20a",
"notification_email" : "test@mail.com",
"logo_uri" : "https://www.idp.com/path/to/logo/logo.img",
"notification_email_senders" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "26730f74-2314-4c70-ba7e-56f923e2c443",
"bics" : [ "TESTDEY0003" ],
"iss" : "https://testidp.local.yes.com/issuer",
"previous_iss" : [ "www.TESTDEY0003.de" ],
"status" : "active",
"owner_id" : "37B339D5-1743-4BAA-948F-CF548CD876B6",
"notification_email" : "test@mail.com",
"logo_uri" : "https://www.idp.com/path/to/logo/logo.img",
"notification_email_senders" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "2b4e100c-15b4-4b06-98d6-a4068cd410ef",
"bics" : [ "TESTDEY0002" ],
"iss" : "https://accounts.inactivetestbank.de",
"previous_iss" : [ "www.TESTDEY0002.de" ],
"status" : "inactive",
"owner_id" : "37B339D5-1743-4BAA-948F-CF548CD876B6",
"notification_email" : "test@mail.com",
"notification_email_senders" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "6c593d96-dc52-47fa-9f00-3b0501c21dc0",
"bics" : [ "TESTDEY0006" ],
"iss" : "https://anotheranothertestidp.local.yes.com/issuer",
"previous_iss" : [ "www.TESTDEY0006.de" ],
"status" : "active",
"owner_id" : "cb6e1b26-62c6-4b5b-9d8a-FBA405DC6517",
"notification_email" : "test@mail.com",
"logo_uri" : "https://www.idp.com/path/to/logo/logo.img",
"notification_email_senders" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "a6b4136c-f6ed-4b0f-a430-6dc882073142",
"bics" : [ "TESTDEY0004", "TESTDEY0001" ],
"iss" : "https://accounts.testbank.de",
"previous_iss" : [ "www.TESTDEY0004.de", "www.TESTDEY0001.de" ],
"status" : "active",
"owner_id" : "37B339D5-1743-4BAA-948F-CF548CD876B6",
"notification_email" : "test@mail.com",
"logo_uri" : "https://www.idp.com/path/to/logo/logo.img",
"notification_email_senders" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "d1de4cfb-8b82-4bbe-8cac-58f09724fe02",
"bics" : [ "TESTDE00001" ],
"iss" : "https://idps.test.de/issuer",
"previous_iss" : [ ],
"status" : "active",
"owner_id" : "123456",
"notification_email_senders" : [ ]
} ]
For the description of the returned data see IDP Response Data Model.
6.1.3. READ by ID: Method GET
Read a resource from the directory by appending the resource id
to the service endpoint.
https://<basepath>/idps/<version>/<idp id>
The following scope is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
idp_read |
Read any IDP configuration (not restricted to a specific 'owner_id') |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/idps/v1/a6b4136c-f6ed-4b0f-a430-6dc882073142' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:35:03 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 423
"id" : "a6b4136c-f6ed-4b0f-a430-6dc882073142",
"bics" : [ "TESTDEY0004", "TESTDEY0001" ],
"iss" : "https://accounts.testbank.de",
"previous_iss" : [ "www.TESTDEY0004.de", "www.TESTDEY0001.de" ],
"status" : "active",
"owner_id" : "37B339D5-1743-4BAA-948F-CF548CD876B6",
"notification_email" : "test@mail.com",
"logo_uri" : "https://www.idp.com/path/to/logo/logo.img",
"notification_email_senders" : [ ]
IDP Response Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
internal id |
a list of |
the |
(optional) can be empty or contain at least one previous iss_url. |
(optional) can be empty or must contain the IDPs logo url. Must be a valid url to the IDP’s logo. |
possible values are |
the owner of this resource |
(optional) Legitimate email sender(s) for this IDP that can be checked by the receivers (e.g. SPs) |
(missing from response if not set) IDP’s email address e.g. used by SPs for incident reporting |
6.1.4. READ by BIC: Method GET
Read an IDP from the directory by appending the BIC as URL parameter to the service endpoint:
The following scope is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
idp_read |
Read any IDP configuration (not restricted to any specific 'owner_id') |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/idps/v1/' -i -X GET
6.1.5. READ by Issuer: Method GET
Read a resource from the directory by appending the issuer URL as URL parameter to the service endpoint:
https://<basepath>/idps/<version>/?iss=<issuer url>
The following scope is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
idp_read |
Read any IDP configuration (not restricted to any specific 'owner_id') |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/idps/v1/' -i -X GET
6.1.6. READ by Owner Id: Method GET
Read a resource from the directory by appending the owner id as URL parameter to the service endpoint:
https://<basepath>/idps/<version>/?owner_id=<owner id>
The following scope is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
idp_read |
Read any IDP configuration (not restricted to any specific 'owner_id') |
idp_read#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Read all IDP configurations, the query parameter may only be the "owner_id" of the restricted scope. |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/idps/v1/' -i -X GET
6.1.7. UPDATE: Method PUT
Update a resource in the directory by appending the IDP id to the service endpoint:
https://<basepath>/idps/<version>/<idp id>
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
idp_update |
Update any IDP configuration (not restricted to any specific 'owner_id') |
idp_update#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Update any IDP configuration, restricted to "owner_id" of the found resource |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/idps/v1/f5f76824-cab0-44b7-877a-e397ddcd93d6' -i -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"bics" : [ "TESTDEY9123", "TESTDEY0123" ],
"iss" : "https://update.test.de",
"previous_iss" : [ "www.previous.two.iss.url.de", "www.previous.one.iss.url.de" ],
"status" : "active",
"notification_email" : null,
"logo_uri" : null,
"notification_email_senders" : null
Result response HTTP 409 (CONFLICT)
API returns Http Status 409 if you try to update your IDP configuration with bics that are already in use by other IDP.
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:34:08 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 141
"server_time" : "2024-03-06T02:34:08.860113049Z[Etc/UTC]",
"code" : "409",
"message" : "one or more of the bics are already in use"
Result response HTTP 409 (CONFLICT)
API returns Http Status 409 if you try to create or update your IDP configuration with an issuer_url that is already in use for another active IDP configuration, weather as 'iss' or in the 'previous_iss'. Configurations with the status "inactive" are ignored.
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:34:11 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 137
"server_time" : "2024-03-06T02:34:11.779344630Z[Etc/UTC]",
"code" : "409",
"message" : "the issuer_url (iss) is already in use"
6.1.8. DELETE: Method DELETE
Delete an IDP from the directory by appending the IDP id to the service endpoint:
https://<basepath>/idps/<version>/<idp id>
Scope value | Description |
idp_delete |
Delete any IDP configuration (not restricted to any specific 'owner_id') |
idp_delete#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Delete an IDP configuration restricted to the "owner_id" of the found resource |
Example curl request
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/idps/v1/b3d05039-e6cb-438d-85b2-bd74c2612f12' -i -X DELETE
Result response HTTP 204 (NO CONTENT)
Response with empty body
7. RP Directory
7.1. API Operations
7.1.1. CREATE: Method POST
Create a RP configuration in the RP Directory.
The following scopes are required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
rp_create |
Create a RP configuration, unrestricted |
rp_create#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Create a RP configuration, restricted to 'owner_id' given in HTTP body |
rp_read |
Create a RP configuration for any non-empty value of the property 'legally_responsible_id'. This scope is not required, when the property is left empty. |
rp_read#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Create a RP configuration with property 'legally_responsible_id' the sames as the 'owner_id' from the restricted scope. This scope is not required, when the property is left empty. |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/rps/v1/' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"client_name" : "Test RP",
"default_consent_purpose" : "Weitergabe von Nutzerdaten",
"ac_redirect_uri" : "https://rp.test/login",
"redirect_uris" : [ "https://rp.test/callback", "https://rp.test/callback/api" ],
"allowed_scopes" : [ "openid" ],
"allowed_claims" : [ "salutation", "birthdate", "title", "family_name", "place_of_birth", "email", "given_name" ],
"allowed_claims_qes" : [ "nationalities", "family_name", "birthdate", "given_name", "address", "place_of_birth" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
}, {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://testidp.integration.openbanking.verimi.cloud/issuer/jwks.json",
"policy_uri" : "https://legal.testrp.com",
"tos_uri" : "https://terms.testrp.com",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"legally_responsible_id" : null,
"logo_uri" : "https://logos.testrp.com",
"status" : "active",
"application_type" : "web",
"grant_types" : [ "authorization_code" ],
"allowed_authorization_data_types" : [ "sign" ],
"metadata" : null
RP Request Data Model
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
not null / 1 to 50 characters |
the name of the RP |
nullable (optional) / 1 to 50 characters |
the id of the legal entitiy that is legally responsible for this rp |
not null / 1 to 300 characters |
the default purpose of a RP |
not null, a URI, 1 to 200 characters |
the redirect URI where the RP is been redirected to, after the Account Chooser found an IDP |
not null, must contain one entry or more. Further checks are applied on each contained URI depending on the given application_type |
the OAuth |
nullable, maximum 300 characters per entry |
a list of scopes this RP is allowed to consent |
nullable, maximum 300 characters per entry |
a list of claims this RP is allowed to consent |
(optional) nullable, maximum 300 characters per entry |
a list of claims this RP is allowed to use for qes (qid), |
not null, must be set to |
the method whereby this RP can be authenticated on an OpenID server.
Currently, the only supported method is |
json object, either this field must not be null or parameter |
the jwks (json web key set) for this RP, see: RFC-7517 |
a URI, 1 to 200 characters, either this field must not be null or |
the URI to the jwks (json web key set) for this RP |
(optional) a URI, 1 to 200 characters |
the URI to the logo for this RP Note: If the filename in |
not null, a URI, 1 to 200 characters |
the policy URI to the policy page of this RP |
a URI, 1 to 200 characters |
the terms of services URI to the policy page of this RP |
1 to 50 characters, can only be used, if |
the label of the terms of services URI |
(optional) Allowed values are |
Indicates if the rp is currently in-/active or in a demonstration mode |
(optional) Allowed values are |
Kind of the application. The defined values are native or web. Web Clients MUST only register URLs using the https scheme as redirect_uris; they MUST NOT use localhost as the hostname. Native Clients MUST only register redirect_uris using custom URI schemes or URLs using the http: scheme with localhost as the hostname. (see 2. Client Metadata in OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 incorporating errata set 1) |
(optional) Allowed values are |
Result response HTTP 201 (created)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:53:12 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 4234
"subject_type" : "public",
"response_types" : [ "code" ],
"client_name" : "Test RP",
"default_consent_purpose" : "Weitergabe von Nutzerdaten",
"client_id" : "local.yes.com:91f7ffc4-d314-4f52-9e70-257033f5feaf",
"ac_redirect_uri" : "https://rp.test/login",
"redirect_uris" : [ "https://rp.test/callback/api", "https://rp.test/callback" ],
"allowed_scopes" : [ "openid" ],
"allowed_claims" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "salutation", "title", "given_name", "family_name", "email" ],
"allowed_claims_qes" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
}, {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://testidp.integration.openbanking.verimi.cloud/issuer/jwks.json",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://legal.testrp.com",
"tos_uri" : "https://terms.testrp.com",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen",
"logo_uri" : "https://logos.testrp.com",
"status" : "active",
"application_type" : "web",
"grant_types" : [ "authorization_code" ],
"allowed_authorization_data_types" : [ "sign" ]
RP Response Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
the name of the RP |
the default purpose of a RP |
the redirect URI where the RP is been redirected to, after the Account Chooser found an IDP |
the OAuth |
a list of scopes this RP is allowed to consent |
a list of claims this RP is allowed to consent |
a list of claims this RP is allowed to use for qes (qid), |
the method whereby this RP can be authenticated on an OpenID server.
Currently, the only supported method is |
the jwks (json web key set) for this RP, see: RFC-7517 |
the URI to the jwks (json web key set) for this RP |
the URI to the logo for this RP |
the policy URI to the policy page of this RP |
the terms of services URI to the policy page of this RP |
the label of the terms of services URI |
the generated client_id with banking ecosystem dependent prefix. Needed for Account Chooser request |
the legal entity id of the owner of this rp |
the id of the legal entity that is legally responsible for this rp |
the OpenID |
the OpenID |
the OpenID |
possible values are |
(optional) possible values are |
(optional) possible values are |
(optional) JSON object |
An optional metadata configuration, see rp metadata |
7.1.2. READ: Method GET
Append the client_id
to the base path to read a single resource.
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
rp_read |
Read a RP configuration |
rp_read#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Read a RP configuration, restricted to "owner_id" of the found resource. |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/rps/v1/local.yes.com:2f4e6d84-400b-4285-8ec5-451effcb3f74' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Disposition: inline;filename=f.txt
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:53:39 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 4234
"subject_type" : "public",
"response_types" : [ "code" ],
"client_name" : "Test RP",
"default_consent_purpose" : "Weitergabe von Nutzerdaten",
"client_id" : "local.yes.com:2f4e6d84-400b-4285-8ec5-451effcb3f74",
"ac_redirect_uri" : "https://rp.test/login",
"redirect_uris" : [ "https://rp.test/callback/api", "https://rp.test/callback" ],
"allowed_scopes" : [ "openid" ],
"allowed_claims" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "salutation", "title", "given_name", "family_name", "email" ],
"allowed_claims_qes" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
}, {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://testidp.integration.openbanking.verimi.cloud/issuer/jwks.json",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://legal.testrp.com",
"tos_uri" : "https://terms.testrp.com",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen",
"logo_uri" : "https://logos.testrp.com",
"status" : "active",
"application_type" : "web",
"grant_types" : [ "authorization_code" ],
"allowed_authorization_data_types" : [ "sign" ]
7.1.3. READ all data: Method GET
Use the base path to read all RP configurations from the directory:
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
rp_read |
Read all rp configurations |
rp_read#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Read a RP configuration, restricted to "owner_id" of the found resource(s). The rps are filtered to the owner_ids of the scopes |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/rps/v1/' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:53:33 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 8477
[ {
"subject_type" : "public",
"response_types" : [ "code" ],
"client_name" : "Test RP",
"default_consent_purpose" : "Weitergabe von Nutzerdaten",
"client_id" : "local.yes.com:2728efe1-620e-4788-916f-d6aa366813ee",
"ac_redirect_uri" : "https://rp.test/login",
"redirect_uris" : [ "https://rp.test/callback/api", "https://rp.test/callback" ],
"allowed_scopes" : [ "openid" ],
"allowed_claims" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "salutation", "title", "given_name", "family_name", "email" ],
"allowed_claims_qes" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
}, {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://testidp.integration.openbanking.verimi.cloud/issuer/jwks.json",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://legal.testrp.com",
"tos_uri" : "https://terms.testrp.com",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen",
"logo_uri" : "https://logos.testrp.com",
"status" : "active",
"application_type" : "web",
"grant_types" : [ "authorization_code" ],
"allowed_authorization_data_types" : [ "sign" ]
}, {
"subject_type" : "public",
"response_types" : [ "code" ],
"client_name" : "Second One",
"default_consent_purpose" : "Weitergabe von Nutzerdaten",
"client_id" : "local.yes.com:4703552b-fb8f-49dd-b0a1-60844c47fda6",
"ac_redirect_uri" : "https://rp.test/login",
"redirect_uris" : [ "https://rp.test/callback/api", "https://rp.test/callback" ],
"allowed_scopes" : [ "openid" ],
"allowed_claims" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "salutation", "title", "given_name", "family_name", "email" ],
"allowed_claims_qes" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
}, {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://testidp.integration.openbanking.verimi.cloud/issuer/jwks.json",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://legal.testrp.com",
"tos_uri" : "https://terms.testrp.com",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen",
"logo_uri" : "https://logos.testrp.com",
"status" : "active",
"application_type" : "web",
"grant_types" : [ "authorization_code" ],
"allowed_authorization_data_types" : [ "sign" ]
} ]
7.1.4. READ all data by owner id: Method GET
Read all rps for a given owner id by appending the owner id as URL parameter to the service endpoint:
https://<basepath>/rps/<version>/?owner_id=<owner id>
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
rp_read |
Read all rp configurations for any owner id |
rp_read#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Read all RP configurations, the query parameter may only be the "owner_id" of the restricted scope. |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/rps/v1/' -i -X GET
7.1.5. READ all data filtered: Method GET
Use the path to read all changed RP configurations from the directory:
The following scope is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
rp_read |
Read all rp configurations |
The result can be filtered by a start time (see from
The parameters have to be sent as url parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from |
String |
(optional) ISO-8601 timestamp with timezone in format "yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:hh" + time zone
(e.g. 2018-02-02T12:00:00Z or 2018-02-02T12:00:00+01:00) |
The response contains:
a list of RPs that were created/modified since the given timestamp
a list of RP Ids that were deleted since the given timestamp
an interval for the returned changes with the fields
changes_from <= changes < changes_until
The timestamp changes_until
can be used to perform subsequent reads for getting future changes.
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/rps/v1/filtered' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:53:31 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 8875
"created_rps" : [ {
"subject_type" : "public",
"response_types" : [ "code" ],
"client_name" : "Test RP",
"default_consent_purpose" : "Weitergabe von Nutzerdaten",
"client_id" : "local.yes.com:bfcd3912-ef14-479b-a7c2-38bdfed1d01c",
"ac_redirect_uri" : "https://rp.test/login",
"redirect_uris" : [ "https://rp.test/callback/api", "https://rp.test/callback" ],
"allowed_scopes" : [ "openid" ],
"allowed_claims" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "salutation", "title", "given_name", "family_name", "email" ],
"allowed_claims_qes" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
}, {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
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"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://testidp.integration.openbanking.verimi.cloud/issuer/jwks.json",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://legal.testrp.com",
"tos_uri" : "https://terms.testrp.com",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen",
"logo_uri" : "https://logos.testrp.com",
"status" : "active",
"application_type" : "web",
"grant_types" : [ "authorization_code" ],
"allowed_authorization_data_types" : [ "sign" ]
} ],
"updated_rps" : [ {
"subject_type" : "public",
"response_types" : [ "code" ],
"client_name" : "update client name",
"default_consent_purpose" : "Weitergabe von Nutzerdaten",
"client_id" : "local.yes.com:e9e418cc-f848-4dfd-919f-8e309f190577",
"ac_redirect_uri" : "https://rp.test/login",
"redirect_uris" : [ "https://rp.test/callback/api", "https://rp.test/callback" ],
"allowed_scopes" : [ "openid" ],
"allowed_claims" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "salutation", "title", "given_name", "family_name", "email" ],
"allowed_claims_qes" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
}, {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://testidp.integration.openbanking.verimi.cloud/issuer/jwks.json",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://legal.testrp.com",
"tos_uri" : "https://terms.testrp.com",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen",
"logo_uri" : "https://logos.testrp.com",
"status" : "active",
"application_type" : "web",
"grant_types" : [ "authorization_code" ],
"allowed_authorization_data_types" : [ "sign" ]
} ],
"deleted_rp_ids" : [ "local.yes.com:ad389dda-5e96-4a5c-8d24-a123c58ff502" ],
"changes_from" : "2024-03-06T02:50:29.406Z",
"changes_until" : "2024-03-06T02:53:30.095Z"
RP Response Filtered Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
the RPs that were changed in the given interval |
the ids of the RPs that were deleted in the given interval |
The start time of the interval (including) for the changes. |
The end time of the interval (but not including) for the changes. |
7.1.6. UPDATE: Method PUT
The URL for updating a resource in the RP Directory is build by adding the client_id
to the base path.
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
rp_update |
Update any RP configuration |
rp_update#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Update a RP configuration, restricted to "owner_id" of the found resource |
rp_read |
Update a RP configuration for any non-empty value of the property 'legally_responsible_id'. This scope is not required, when the property is left empty. |
rp_read#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Update a RP configuration with property 'legally_responsible_id' the sames as the 'owner_id' from the restricted scope. This scope is not required, when the property is left empty. |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/rps/v1/local.yes.com:be5ba7f1-f18e-483e-b712-a38b1a73df32' -i -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"client_name" : "Updated One",
"default_consent_purpose" : "Weitergabe von Nutzerdaten",
"ac_redirect_uri" : "https://different.redirect.de",
"redirect_uris" : [ "https://rp.test/callback/api", "https://rp.test/callback" ],
"allowed_scopes" : [ "openid" ],
"allowed_claims" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "salutation", "title", "given_name", "family_name", "email" ],
"allowed_claims_qes" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
}, {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://testidp.integration.openbanking.verimi.cloud/issuer/jwks.json",
"policy_uri" : "https://legal.testrp.com",
"tos_uri" : "https://terms.testrp.com",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen",
"legally_responsible_id" : null,
"logo_uri" : "https://logos.testrp.com",
"status" : "active",
"application_type" : "web",
"grant_types" : [ "authorization_code" ],
"allowed_authorization_data_types" : [ "sign" ],
"metadata" : {
"labels" : [ {
"name" : "updated-label-name",
"value" : "updated-label-value"
} ]
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"subject_type" : "public",
"response_types" : [ "code" ],
"client_name" : "Updated One",
"default_consent_purpose" : "Weitergabe von Nutzerdaten",
"client_id" : "local.yes.com:be5ba7f1-f18e-483e-b712-a38b1a73df32",
"ac_redirect_uri" : "https://different.redirect.de",
"redirect_uris" : [ "https://rp.test/callback/api", "https://rp.test/callback" ],
"allowed_scopes" : [ "openid" ],
"allowed_claims" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "salutation", "title", "given_name", "family_name", "email" ],
"allowed_claims_qes" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
}, {
"kty" : "RSA",
"use" : "sig",
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://testidp.integration.openbanking.verimi.cloud/issuer/jwks.json",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://legal.testrp.com",
"tos_uri" : "https://terms.testrp.com",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen",
"logo_uri" : "https://logos.testrp.com",
"status" : "active",
"application_type" : "web",
"grant_types" : [ "authorization_code" ],
"allowed_authorization_data_types" : [ "sign" ],
"metadata" : {
"labels" : [ {
"name" : "updated-label-name",
"value" : "updated-label-value"
} ]
7.1.7. DELETE: Method DELETE
The resource URL for deleting a RP configuration from the RP Directory is build by appending the client_id
to the base path for RPs.
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
rp_delete |
Delete any RP configuration |
rp_delete#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Delete a RP configuration, restricted to "owner_id" of the found resource |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/rps/v1/local.yes.com:2e0946c0-fc0f-4db0-a320-75cafc8a2356' -i -X DELETE
7.2. RP Metadata
7.2.1. RP "metadata" permissions
It is possible to configure metadata on a relying party.
a metadata element the SCOPE rp_metadata[#owner_id:<owner_id>]
is needed.
If the SCOPE is missing
for a CREATE or an UPDATE operation, the client will get a HTTP 403 response, without creating/updating the entity.
for a READ operation of a single rp, the client will get the relying party without the metadata.
for a READ (all) operation, the client will get the relying party data without the metadata for the rps where the scope is missing, but still the whole list of rps.
Deleting the rp will also delete the metadata without also requiring the metadata scope. The DELETE scope is sufficient to delete all data for a rp.
given: relying party A : owner_id = 111111, with metadata relying party B : owner_id = 222222, with metadata relying party C : owner_id = 333333, with metadata relying party D : owner_id = 444444, without metadata action: HTTP GET (all) access_token with scopes: * rp_read * rp_metadata#owner_id:111111 * rp_metadata#owner_id:222222 result: response list containing: A(owner_id = 111111) -> with metadata B(owner_id = 222222) -> with metadata C(owner_id = 333333) -> without metadata (changed, metadata not returned but still present) D(owner_id = 444444) -> without metadata (unchanged)
7.2.2. RP "metadata" Data Model
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
(optional) json objects |
a list of |
7.2.3. RP "metadata.labels[]" Data Model
Labels are key-value pairs that can be used by the owner of the rp to store additional custom data about the relying party.
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
not blank / 1 to 63 characters / must match the regular expression in words: |
The label key name based on Kubernetes labels. For details see: kubernetes docs labels |
not null / up 253 characters / can be blank |
the |
"client_id": "yes.com:00000000-4444-4444-4444-000000000000",
"... other relying party fields ...": "... values ...",
"metadata": {
"labels": [
"name": "internalReference",
"value": "Ref47110815"
"name": "institute",
"value": "TESTBIC4711"
8. SP Directory
8.1. API Operations
8.1.1. CREATE: Method POST
Create a SP configuration in the SP Directory.
The following scope is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
sp_create |
Create a SP configuration, unrestricted |
sp_create#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Create a SP configuration, restricted to 'owner_id' given in HTTP body |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/v1/' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"client_name" : "Qtsp All-In Signing Service",
"service_type" : "remote_signature_creation",
"subject_type" : "public",
"required_claims" : {
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : null,
"family_name" : null,
"birthdate" : null,
"place_of_birth" : null
"txn" : null,
"sub" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented" : null
"supported_scopes" : [ "https://www.yes.com/scopes/sign" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"kid" : "17470176094258868442",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t#S256" : "VHDIh4cWbScPxPM65IrHu2kEHcEOQL2qcIR6U3U7Z1E",
"n" : "tgKyOoNSiNOqF6KM_2LJRqfk_jBin9SxFyxvah-6Yb-v58XELZ6JsVTz44YntYIDa8yCA3zbVsk4zG2OK_VQDgXg4nfnTe_MgFClTWSZwoRPYDauk4xRnmw4dhJOyo7L62oqHE7e_IvSC4o3AIajIsdiVFyMqxeAEfFy68CcLOBrhmKFUspt6jL35b0pHox3odir-JIZQZpI0YKv7cnInhRJ6_CfMQKVdaAjl10dSOlbhz3jEafquBm9hXLTM1cL9uEJXqlRR12i0hKKkzMYocqhsTaowSmSRsMGzWaPsDMCBWZUi9whNBe8Kgx_nDQbEolz05J11goIWp1aXrVkaPtUN4CdjFrCb_gvBCMOX2Cr-6yT_tQIgHZ2XpxXHrAOio-9Cfh1bZmGi9xGp6je6D7DUUqCxtFXyizPpKHtU_dW0VBmGSkbAuI-OzvWnI6nTmxaUC4jSgmSbtk6YNk8M2OMxxsQzZxg7P1Nsbfq3u9sMl5kxeWRkc9lg60H7wm9KSSvDH5Jxi53OTuR9-MwXMYbeTf1FvA7EBGUMqD5uS_W22QOXiSi8dsODHyHsmsyyHwQCvlZdLDiKTYJNPbG3WOTnR7RU9IbI7As9JpsK26XQ-p-HPk5jNpgB1dDX0oy4ZLwBzssHZyx880V4VyamDBLMZtoWWPSI5jWBdHo9v0",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : null,
"policy_uri" : "https://ais.test/policy",
"tos_uri" : "https://ais.test/tos",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen AIS",
"status" : "active",
"endpoints" : {
"signDoc" : "https://ais.qtsp.com/Ais-Server/csc/v1/signatures/signDoc"
"authorization_data_types_supported" : [ "sign" ],
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-T", "AdES-B-B" ],
"notification_email_senders" : [ "notification2@email.dummy", "notification1@email.dummy" ],
"notification_email" : "notification@email.dummy",
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : null,
"default_signing_documents" : null,
"owner_id" : "1_platform"
SP Request Data Model
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
not null / 1 to 256 characters |
the name of the SP |
not null / 1 to 200 characters |
the type of the service, e.g. "remote_signature_creation" |
the OpenID |
not null |
a list of claims this SP needs to fulfill its service following the syntax for individual claims in OIDC |
a list of scopes this SP supports to request its services |
not null, must be set to |
the method whereby this SP can be authenticated on an OpenID server.
Currently, the only supported method is |
json object, either this field must not be null or |
the jwks (json web key set) for this SP, see: RFC-7517 |
a URI, 1 to 200 characters, either this field must not be null or |
the URI to the jwks (json web key set) for this SP |
not null, a URI, 1 to 200 characters |
the policy URI to the policy page of this SP |
a URI, 1 to 200 characters |
the terms of services URI to the policy page of this SP |
1 to 50 characters, can only be used, if |
the label of the terms of services URI |
Allowed values are |
possible values are |
not null |
Object with name-URI attribute-value pairs configuring the exposed endpoints of the SP |
(optional) possible values are |
The data types supported in RAR requests |
(optional) but mandatory for |
Supported conformance levels for signatures |
(optional) valid email addresses |
Legitimate email sender(s) for this SP that can be checked by the receivers (e.g. IDPs) |
(optional) must be a valid email address |
SP’s email address e.g. used by IDPs for incident reporting |
(optional) must only contain the values |
JSON array containing the claims the QTSP supports |
(optional) see details |
JSON array containing one or more objects that define the text of the default signing document. Each object contains two keys, |
SP "default_signing_document" Data Model
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
not null / 1 to 300 characters |
Contains the text of the default document in the respective language. |
not null / 2 characters |
Contains language tags e.g. "de" or "en"; see ISO 639-1 |
"default_signing_documents" : [
"text":"Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
For more details visit: https://www.openbanking.verimi.de/docs/qes/2.5/index.html#_service_configuration
Result response HTTP 201 (created)
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Content-Type: application/json
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Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 03:12:17 GMT
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Content-Length: 3884
"id" : "102b6bbd-e21a-4b71-96de-611072fcd51a",
"client_name" : "Qtsp All-In Signing Service",
"client_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:9682d362-7123-42be-add0-5265e97b5f89",
"service_type" : "remote_signature_creation",
"subject_type" : "public",
"required_claims" : {
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : null,
"family_name" : null,
"birthdate" : null,
"place_of_birth" : null
"txn" : null,
"sub" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented" : null
"supported_scopes" : [ "https://www.yes.com/scopes/sign" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"kid" : "17470176094258868442",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t#S256" : "VHDIh4cWbScPxPM65IrHu2kEHcEOQL2qcIR6U3U7Z1E",
"n" : "tgKyOoNSiNOqF6KM_2LJRqfk_jBin9SxFyxvah-6Yb-v58XELZ6JsVTz44YntYIDa8yCA3zbVsk4zG2OK_VQDgXg4nfnTe_MgFClTWSZwoRPYDauk4xRnmw4dhJOyo7L62oqHE7e_IvSC4o3AIajIsdiVFyMqxeAEfFy68CcLOBrhmKFUspt6jL35b0pHox3odir-JIZQZpI0YKv7cnInhRJ6_CfMQKVdaAjl10dSOlbhz3jEafquBm9hXLTM1cL9uEJXqlRR12i0hKKkzMYocqhsTaowSmSRsMGzWaPsDMCBWZUi9whNBe8Kgx_nDQbEolz05J11goIWp1aXrVkaPtUN4CdjFrCb_gvBCMOX2Cr-6yT_tQIgHZ2XpxXHrAOio-9Cfh1bZmGi9xGp6je6D7DUUqCxtFXyizPpKHtU_dW0VBmGSkbAuI-OzvWnI6nTmxaUC4jSgmSbtk6YNk8M2OMxxsQzZxg7P1Nsbfq3u9sMl5kxeWRkc9lg60H7wm9KSSvDH5Jxi53OTuR9-MwXMYbeTf1FvA7EBGUMqD5uS_W22QOXiSi8dsODHyHsmsyyHwQCvlZdLDiKTYJNPbG3WOTnR7RU9IbI7As9JpsK26XQ-p-HPk5jNpgB1dDX0oy4ZLwBzssHZyx880V4VyamDBLMZtoWWPSI5jWBdHo9v0",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://ais.test/policy",
"tos_uri" : "https://ais.test/tos",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen AIS",
"status" : "active",
"endpoints" : {
"signDoc" : "https://ais.qtsp.com/Ais-Server/csc/v1/signatures/signDoc"
"authorization_data_types_supported" : [ "sign" ],
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"notification_email_senders" : [ "notification2@email.dummy", "notification1@email.dummy" ],
"notification_email" : "notification@email.dummy",
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ ]
SP Response Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
the name of the SP |
the generated client_id with banking ecosystem dependent prefix. Needed for admin requests |
the type of the service, e.g. "remote_signature_creation" |
the OpenID |
a list of claims this SP needs to fulfill its service following the syntax for individual claims in OIDC |
a list of scopes this SP supports to request its services |
the method whereby this SP can be authenticated on an OpenID server.
Currently, the only supported method is |
the jwks (json web key set) for this SP, see: RFC-7517 |
the URI to the jwks (json web key set) for this SP |
the owner of this resource |
the policy URI to the policy page of this SP |
the terms of services URI to the policy page of this SP |
the label of the terms of services URI |
possible values are |
Object with name-URI attribute-value pairs configuring the exposed endpoints of the SP |
(optional) The data types supported in RAR requests |
Supported conformance levels for signatures |
(optional) Legitimate email sender(s) for this SP that can be checked by the receivers (e.g. IDPs) |
(optional) SP’s email address e.g. used by IDPs for incident reporting |
(optional) JSON array containing the claims the QTSP supports |
(optional) JSON array containing one or more objects that define the text of the default signing document. Each object contains two keys, |
8.1.2. READ all data: Method GET
Use the base path to read all SP configurations from the directory:
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
sp_read |
Read all SP configurations |
sp_read#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Read all SP entries of the owner with id 'owner_id' |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/v1/' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 03:12:22 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 10528
[ {
"id" : "102b6bbd-e21a-4b71-96de-611072fcd51a",
"client_name" : "Qtsp All-In Signing Service",
"client_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:9682d362-7123-42be-add0-5265e97b5f89",
"service_type" : "remote_signature_creation",
"subject_type" : "public",
"required_claims" : {
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : null,
"family_name" : null,
"birthdate" : null,
"place_of_birth" : null
"txn" : null,
"sub" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented" : null
"supported_scopes" : [ "https://www.yes.com/scopes/sign" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"kid" : "17470176094258868442",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t#S256" : "VHDIh4cWbScPxPM65IrHu2kEHcEOQL2qcIR6U3U7Z1E",
"n" : "tgKyOoNSiNOqF6KM_2LJRqfk_jBin9SxFyxvah-6Yb-v58XELZ6JsVTz44YntYIDa8yCA3zbVsk4zG2OK_VQDgXg4nfnTe_MgFClTWSZwoRPYDauk4xRnmw4dhJOyo7L62oqHE7e_IvSC4o3AIajIsdiVFyMqxeAEfFy68CcLOBrhmKFUspt6jL35b0pHox3odir-JIZQZpI0YKv7cnInhRJ6_CfMQKVdaAjl10dSOlbhz3jEafquBm9hXLTM1cL9uEJXqlRR12i0hKKkzMYocqhsTaowSmSRsMGzWaPsDMCBWZUi9whNBe8Kgx_nDQbEolz05J11goIWp1aXrVkaPtUN4CdjFrCb_gvBCMOX2Cr-6yT_tQIgHZ2XpxXHrAOio-9Cfh1bZmGi9xGp6je6D7DUUqCxtFXyizPpKHtU_dW0VBmGSkbAuI-OzvWnI6nTmxaUC4jSgmSbtk6YNk8M2OMxxsQzZxg7P1Nsbfq3u9sMl5kxeWRkc9lg60H7wm9KSSvDH5Jxi53OTuR9-MwXMYbeTf1FvA7EBGUMqD5uS_W22QOXiSi8dsODHyHsmsyyHwQCvlZdLDiKTYJNPbG3WOTnR7RU9IbI7As9JpsK26XQ-p-HPk5jNpgB1dDX0oy4ZLwBzssHZyx880V4VyamDBLMZtoWWPSI5jWBdHo9v0",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://ais.test/policy",
"tos_uri" : "https://ais.test/tos",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen AIS",
"status" : "active",
"endpoints" : {
"signDoc" : "https://ais.qtsp.com/Ais-Server/csc/v1/signatures/signDoc"
"authorization_data_types_supported" : [ "sign" ],
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"notification_email_senders" : [ "notification2@email.dummy", "notification1@email.dummy" ],
"notification_email" : "notification@email.dummy",
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "5c4253b3-c40f-418f-8f1d-e7aa84c426e5",
"client_name" : "Qtsp AG",
"client_id" : "sp:local.yes.com:5c4253b3-c40f-418f-8f1d-e7aa84c426e5",
"service_type" : "remote_signature_creation",
"subject_type" : "public",
"required_claims" : {
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : null,
"family_name" : null,
"birthdate" : null,
"place_of_birth" : null
"txn" : null,
"sub" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented" : null
"supported_scopes" : [ "https://www.yes.com/scopes/sign" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"kid" : "9902091708373514192",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t#S256" : "u9GlFzZB313fTbggt-DptCpFMGDwW6IYDusyFmb_70w",
"n" : "s0ftBFdhNHWBN_pSYX732QRfmqzMVwQQ4GcOjP3WS88aUlVXjCKtfhTf5jsiWRKH6zQlbtU-ahvNPZZh_XzRe38FTTTEgOg_lP7yrneaOeA8WGt_lGonx_KiS1QApaEZektORfg95Fs4LlrFthn-vBl55i_gz-3x2CS-zV_9jaKJq-MLDZr2bBrHQrXE5SwiQDKXgQQ73uOgyTgA57SBi0QecOaOh3sEYG7HGhU0I1LT9Uw8sk1Y0ZVjpCEHSxQefR6x1ahB3oInrnDFcMPczgayqU4DQC_p1h-UmRZRIZV2qqftgl3B-rWGlVeab03zyywh2ThWdcmsRbdrj5htNQ",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://as.local.yes.com/jwks.json",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://www.qtsp.ag/de/privatkunden/rechtliches/datenschutz.html",
"tos_uri" : "https://www.qtsp.ag/de/privatkunden/rechtliches.html",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Qtsp AG",
"status" : "active",
"endpoints" : {
"signDoc" : "https://ais.qtsp.de/YES/rdsc/v1"
"authorization_data_types_supported" : [ ],
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"notification_email_senders" : [ ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "babe136c-f6ed-4b0f-a430-56210554d20a",
"client_name" : "Test Sig",
"client_id" : "sp:local.yes.com:babe136c-f6ed-4b0f-a430-56210554d20a",
"service_type" : "another_signature_creation",
"subject_type" : "public",
"required_claims" : {
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : null,
"family_name" : null,
"birthdate" : null,
"place_of_birth" : null
"txn" : null,
"sub" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented" : null
"supported_scopes" : [ "https://www.yes.com/scopes/sign" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"kid" : "17470176094258868442",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t#S256" : "VHDIh4cWbScPxPM65IrHu2kEHcEOQL2qcIR6U3U7Z1E",
"n" : "tgKyOoNSiNOqF6KM_2LJRqfk_jBin9SxFyxvah-6Yb-v58XELZ6JsVTz44YntYIDa8yCA3zbVsk4zG2OK_VQDgXg4nfnTe_MgFClTWSZwoRPYDauk4xRnmw4dhJOyo7L62oqHE7e_IvSC4o3AIajIsdiVFyMqxeAEfFy68CcLOBrhmKFUspt6jL35b0pHox3odir-JIZQZpI0YKv7cnInhRJ6_CfMQKVdaAjl10dSOlbhz3jEafquBm9hXLTM1cL9uEJXqlRR12i0hKKkzMYocqhsTaowSmSRsMGzWaPsDMCBWZUi9whNBe8Kgx_nDQbEolz05J11goIWp1aXrVkaPtUN4CdjFrCb_gvBCMOX2Cr-6yT_tQIgHZ2XpxXHrAOio-9Cfh1bZmGi9xGp6je6D7DUUqCxtFXyizPpKHtU_dW0VBmGSkbAuI-OzvWnI6nTmxaUC4jSgmSbtk6YNk8M2OMxxsQzZxg7P1Nsbfq3u9sMl5kxeWRkc9lg60H7wm9KSSvDH5Jxi53OTuR9-MwXMYbeTf1FvA7EBGUMqD5uS_W22QOXiSi8dsODHyHsmsyyHwQCvlZdLDiKTYJNPbG3WOTnR7RU9IbI7As9JpsK26XQ-p-HPk5jNpgB1dDX0oy4ZLwBzssHZyx880V4VyamDBLMZtoWWPSI5jWBdHo9v0",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : "https://as.local.yes.com/jwks.json",
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://ais.test/policy",
"tos_uri" : "https://ais.test/tos",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen AIS",
"status" : "active",
"endpoints" : {
"signDoc" : "https://another.qtsp.com/csc/v1/signatures/signDoc"
"authorization_data_types_supported" : [ ],
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"notification_email_senders" : [ ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ ]
} ]
8.1.3. READ by ID: Method GET
Append the client_id
to the base path to read a single resource.
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
sp_read |
Read all sp configurations |
sp_read#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Read a SP configuration of the owner with id 'owner_id' |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/v1/sp:integration.yes.com:9682d362-7123-42be-add0-5265e97b5f89' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Disposition: inline;filename=f.txt
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 03:12:20 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 3884
"id" : "102b6bbd-e21a-4b71-96de-611072fcd51a",
"client_name" : "Qtsp All-In Signing Service",
"client_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:9682d362-7123-42be-add0-5265e97b5f89",
"service_type" : "remote_signature_creation",
"subject_type" : "public",
"required_claims" : {
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : null,
"family_name" : null,
"birthdate" : null,
"place_of_birth" : null
"txn" : null,
"sub" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented" : null
"supported_scopes" : [ "https://www.yes.com/scopes/sign" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"kid" : "17470176094258868442",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t#S256" : "VHDIh4cWbScPxPM65IrHu2kEHcEOQL2qcIR6U3U7Z1E",
"n" : "tgKyOoNSiNOqF6KM_2LJRqfk_jBin9SxFyxvah-6Yb-v58XELZ6JsVTz44YntYIDa8yCA3zbVsk4zG2OK_VQDgXg4nfnTe_MgFClTWSZwoRPYDauk4xRnmw4dhJOyo7L62oqHE7e_IvSC4o3AIajIsdiVFyMqxeAEfFy68CcLOBrhmKFUspt6jL35b0pHox3odir-JIZQZpI0YKv7cnInhRJ6_CfMQKVdaAjl10dSOlbhz3jEafquBm9hXLTM1cL9uEJXqlRR12i0hKKkzMYocqhsTaowSmSRsMGzWaPsDMCBWZUi9whNBe8Kgx_nDQbEolz05J11goIWp1aXrVkaPtUN4CdjFrCb_gvBCMOX2Cr-6yT_tQIgHZ2XpxXHrAOio-9Cfh1bZmGi9xGp6je6D7DUUqCxtFXyizPpKHtU_dW0VBmGSkbAuI-OzvWnI6nTmxaUC4jSgmSbtk6YNk8M2OMxxsQzZxg7P1Nsbfq3u9sMl5kxeWRkc9lg60H7wm9KSSvDH5Jxi53OTuR9-MwXMYbeTf1FvA7EBGUMqD5uS_W22QOXiSi8dsODHyHsmsyyHwQCvlZdLDiKTYJNPbG3WOTnR7RU9IbI7As9JpsK26XQ-p-HPk5jNpgB1dDX0oy4ZLwBzssHZyx880V4VyamDBLMZtoWWPSI5jWBdHo9v0",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://ais.test/policy",
"tos_uri" : "https://ais.test/tos",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen AIS",
"status" : "active",
"endpoints" : {
"signDoc" : "https://ais.qtsp.com/Ais-Server/csc/v1/signatures/signDoc"
"authorization_data_types_supported" : [ "sign" ],
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"notification_email_senders" : [ "notification2@email.dummy", "notification1@email.dummy" ],
"notification_email" : "notification@email.dummy",
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ ]
8.1.4. UPDATE: Method PUT
The URL for updating a resource in the SP Directory is build by adding the client_id
to the base path.
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
sp_update |
Update any SP configuration |
sp_update#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Update a SP configuration, restricted to "owner_id" of the found resource |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/v1/sp:integration.yes.com:9682d362-7123-42be-add0-5265e97b5f89' -i -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"client_name" : "Qtsp All-In Signing Service",
"service_type" : "remote_signature_creation",
"subject_type" : "public",
"required_claims" : {
"https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data2" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : null,
"family_name" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth" : null
"https://www.yes.com/claims/transaction_id2" : null,
"sub" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent2" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented2" : null
"supported_scopes" : [ "https://www.yes.com/scopes/sign2" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"kid" : "17470176094258868442",
"x5c" : [ "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" ],
"x5t#S256" : "VHDIh4cWbScPxPM65IrHu2kEHcEOQL2qcIR6U3U7Z1E",
"n" : "tgKyOoNSiNOqF6KM_2LJRqfk_jBin9SxFyxvah-6Yb-v58XELZ6JsVTz44YntYIDa8yCA3zbVsk4zG2OK_VQDgXg4nfnTe_MgFClTWSZwoRPYDauk4xRnmw4dhJOyo7L62oqHE7e_IvSC4o3AIajIsdiVFyMqxeAEfFy68CcLOBrhmKFUspt6jL35b0pHox3odir-JIZQZpI0YKv7cnInhRJ6_CfMQKVdaAjl10dSOlbhz3jEafquBm9hXLTM1cL9uEJXqlRR12i0hKKkzMYocqhsTaowSmSRsMGzWaPsDMCBWZUi9whNBe8Kgx_nDQbEolz05J11goIWp1aXrVkaPtUN4CdjFrCb_gvBCMOX2Cr-6yT_tQIgHZ2XpxXHrAOio-9Cfh1bZmGi9xGp6je6D7DUUqCxtFXyizPpKHtU_dW0VBmGSkbAuI-OzvWnI6nTmxaUC4jSgmSbtk6YNk8M2OMxxsQzZxg7P1Nsbfq3u9sMl5kxeWRkc9lg60H7wm9KSSvDH5Jxi53OTuR9-MwXMYbeTf1FvA7EBGUMqD5uS_W22QOXiSi8dsODHyHsmsyyHwQCvlZdLDiKTYJNPbG3WOTnR7RU9IbI7As9JpsK26XQ-p-HPk5jNpgB1dDX0oy4ZLwBzssHZyx880V4VyamDBLMZtoWWPSI5jWBdHo9v0",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"jwks_uri" : null,
"policy_uri" : "https://ais.test/policy",
"tos_uri" : "https://ais.test/tos",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen AIS",
"status" : "active",
"endpoints" : {
"signDoc2" : "https://22ais.qtsp.com/Ais-Server/csc/v1/signatures/signDoc"
"authorization_data_types_supported" : [ "account_information" ],
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-X-Y", "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"notification_email_senders" : [ "a@sender.de" ],
"notification_email" : "a@sender.de",
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : null,
"default_signing_documents" : null
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 03:12:28 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 3932
"id" : "102b6bbd-e21a-4b71-96de-611072fcd51a",
"client_name" : "Qtsp All-In Signing Service",
"client_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:9682d362-7123-42be-add0-5265e97b5f89",
"service_type" : "remote_signature_creation",
"subject_type" : "public",
"required_claims" : {
"https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data2" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : null,
"family_name" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth" : null
"https://www.yes.com/claims/transaction_id2" : null,
"sub" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent2" : null,
"https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented2" : null
"supported_scopes" : [ "https://www.yes.com/scopes/sign2" ],
"token_endpoint_auth_method" : "self_signed_tls_client_auth",
"jwks" : {
"keys" : [ {
"kty" : "RSA",
"kid" : "17470176094258868442",
"x5c" : [ "MIIEpDCCAowCCQDycoiYxdIw2jANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAUMRIwEAYDVQQDDAl0ZXN0LWNlcnQwHhcNMTgwMTMxMDk1MDEyWhcNMTkwMTMxMDk1MDEyWjAUMRIwEAYDVQQDDAl0ZXN0LWNlcnQwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQC2ArI6g1KI06oXooz/YslGp+T+MGKf1LEXLG9qH7phv6/nxcQtnomxVPPjhie1ggNrzIIDfNtWyTjMbY4r9VAOBeDid+dN78yAUKVNZJnChE9gNq6TjFGebDh2Ek7KjsvraiocTt78i9ILijcAhqMix2JUXIyrF4AR8XLrwJws4GuGYoVSym3qMvflvSkejHeh2Kv4khlBmkjRgq/tycieFEnr8J8xApV1oCOXXR1I6VuHPeMRp+q4Gb2FctMzVwv24QleqVFHXaLSEoqTMxihyqGxNqjBKZJGwwbNZo+wMwIFZlSL3CE0F7wqDH+cNBsSiXPTknXWCghanVpetWRo+1Q3gJ2MWsJv+C8EIw5fYKv7rJP+1AiAdnZenFcesA6Kj70J+HVtmYaL3EanqN7oPsNRSoLG0VfKLM+koe1T91bRUGYZKRsC4j47O9acjqdObFpQLiNKCZJu2Tpg2TwzY4zHGxDNnGDs/U2xt+re72wyXmTF5ZGRz2WDrQfvCb0pJK8MfknGLnc5O5H34zBcxht5N/UW8DsQEZQyoPm5L9bbZA5eJKLx2w4MfIeyazLIfBAK+Vl0sOIpNgk09sbdY5OdHtFT0hsjsCz0mmwrbpdD6n4c+TmM2mAHV0NfSjLhkvAHOywdnLHzzRXhXJqYMEsxm2hZY9IjmNYF0ej2/QIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQCriE+JW/jHQUp769AOFYjP7H30xoGqQ+4TRzR3tSy8pWE+sT9EGg49nK17k2OzlXrbDIqEw0zeYx/aKYmQ5XHU41n+tbtEJSybm8I4DeCoVX2UQn/vxebmiPRQzWcBsIXXSdoU3jksWAfkEbAWQ0gtN/5lAVrcdYyqktLe3XifmgBoAgP2HEm0jFfVHg1Fnz+ZWgqAtcwu+DcoyHs9DgyvVW+FodYZTJPedxEDW4gs7biIW3Sk88zYiuA9mttbl4l83F3EAZS6uGX4AKN0UlJQFvwl1dh7e3D7xJo7VrGvXQHRHIr599d4tWCNjmvwHdShfAfVZMjcJfudddQ+PT1MI+w4fhyh8a5hPlQ6qQE8w1K4lpZKzjVSc+4/LYLk/8wdNKKPYVIQ+ElHJd7bXrr0Lcy/F1RS9jQYqm/99Lr6PUjkAOMkp688NyzDJq3szDFT4+upQZUTshZyE86NKtp2ulbvchTYlIYyLViddY8IUHLZnVOTqrJm7635L0a3k2qLLbwsf+s/BxomXz7oCwU6G0mtmSSqO2AyuqNpg+AjSv2UiGwbe9SrkD2SQVnUvNdydiEsiNXa7PQtdPq6nv5IOTSKa+2X2W3q4fTS90qLdcsazicXbhe53Vn7cUuwOiAVlu4GuQKIXapPfamNpf0NU1h5S8rNuce9J2wsDTNxDQ==" ],
"x5t#S256" : "VHDIh4cWbScPxPM65IrHu2kEHcEOQL2qcIR6U3U7Z1E",
"n" : "tgKyOoNSiNOqF6KM_2LJRqfk_jBin9SxFyxvah-6Yb-v58XELZ6JsVTz44YntYIDa8yCA3zbVsk4zG2OK_VQDgXg4nfnTe_MgFClTWSZwoRPYDauk4xRnmw4dhJOyo7L62oqHE7e_IvSC4o3AIajIsdiVFyMqxeAEfFy68CcLOBrhmKFUspt6jL35b0pHox3odir-JIZQZpI0YKv7cnInhRJ6_CfMQKVdaAjl10dSOlbhz3jEafquBm9hXLTM1cL9uEJXqlRR12i0hKKkzMYocqhsTaowSmSRsMGzWaPsDMCBWZUi9whNBe8Kgx_nDQbEolz05J11goIWp1aXrVkaPtUN4CdjFrCb_gvBCMOX2Cr-6yT_tQIgHZ2XpxXHrAOio-9Cfh1bZmGi9xGp6je6D7DUUqCxtFXyizPpKHtU_dW0VBmGSkbAuI-OzvWnI6nTmxaUC4jSgmSbtk6YNk8M2OMxxsQzZxg7P1Nsbfq3u9sMl5kxeWRkc9lg60H7wm9KSSvDH5Jxi53OTuR9-MwXMYbeTf1FvA7EBGUMqD5uS_W22QOXiSi8dsODHyHsmsyyHwQCvlZdLDiKTYJNPbG3WOTnR7RU9IbI7As9JpsK26XQ-p-HPk5jNpgB1dDX0oy4ZLwBzssHZyx880V4VyamDBLMZtoWWPSI5jWBdHo9v0",
"e" : "AQAB"
} ]
"owner_id" : "1_platform",
"policy_uri" : "https://ais.test/policy",
"tos_uri" : "https://ais.test/tos",
"tos_uri_label" : "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen AIS",
"status" : "active",
"endpoints" : {
"signDoc2" : "https://22ais.qtsp.com/Ais-Server/csc/v1/signatures/signDoc"
"authorization_data_types_supported" : [ "account_information" ],
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-X-Y", "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"notification_email_senders" : [ "a@sender.de" ],
"notification_email" : "a@sender.de",
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ ]
8.1.5. DELETE: Method DELETE
The resource URL for deleting a SP configuration from the SP Directory is build by appending the client_id
to the base path for SPs.
One of the following scopes is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
sp_delete |
Delete any SP configuration |
sp_delete#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Delete a SP configuration, restricted to "owner_id" of the found resource |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/v1/sp:integration.yes.com:9682d362-7123-42be-add0-5265e97b5f89' -i -X DELETE
9. Service Configuration
9.1. API Operations
9.1.1. READ by issuer: Method GET
This method is intended to be used by RPs to read the service-configuration of the issuer returned by the AC.
Append the iss
request parameter to the base path to read a single resource.
This method is public. No authorization with an access token from the banking ecosystem Platform Authorization Server is required.
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/service-configuration/v1/' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 03:02:33 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 38784
"identity" : {
"iss" : "https://accounts.testbank.de"
"remote_signature_creation" : [ {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:47a6b29a-69d3-4321-998a-5b6d81e2397f",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:a5502acf-cdd0-4736-9357-ff376251fced",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:a0744841-bc5d-4d5d-831d-f87a4f831cb7",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:c3c5a290-5070-4b2c-9406-7b8c96c157a3",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:0aa5cbe4-ab72-421c-a9d6-cb5c4988ed5f",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:afa50aeb-dcdf-46a6-8a21-8708c2962b80",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:7a375d1a-6020-43ea-8b9a-89f38782742e",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:59918406-a542-4fca-b86a-13b9f2224486",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.swisscom.com/Ais-Server/csc/v1/signatures/signDoc",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:79176218-ce91-4c6a-94bb-94697fba8b9e",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:4f4b7d0d-20de-450a-979b-edbb93c9586c",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:7da4963b-8cbe-4405-93ac-604fc7978f37",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:af395b8a-8adf-4097-869b-203ffb2fe85a",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:92fd7f41-e736-4a54-ac04-08c2024ac7c5",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:17dedb5d-4beb-4c86-ae69-b6cb352492f6",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:a95e0cc2-7cb8-403f-8576-56036dd3b5c4",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:49a8f606-f561-45ca-8928-1e7f9a5cdeb4",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:03ebb662-1043-4bc0-97ce-c840d8209cca",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:35d70256-25cb-4505-8c3a-4d648261bd82",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:83c79920-d0e3-458e-8f13-768240bd2760",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:ca3af07b-7c47-4f57-a9da-59e851159acb",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:570c4305-950f-4184-a817-f0ffc36602bb",
"signDoc" : "https://yesqtsp.namirialtsp.com/qtsp-rest-api/signature/signDoc",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:5c4253b3-c40f-418f-8f1d-e7aa84c426e5",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.hudeldudel.de/Ais-Server/csc/v1/signatures/signDoc",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
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"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
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"lang" : "en",
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"lang" : "en",
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"lang" : "en",
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
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"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
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"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:e2ec4305-950f-4184-a817-f0ffc36602bb",
"signDoc" : "https://yesqtsp.sp3.com/qtsp-rest-api/signature/signDoc",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "birthdate", "address", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:02345ddd-ca4e-4f52-a382-c72d3ffdf161",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
}, {
"qtsp_id" : "sp:integration.yes.com:ecc033e1-7d23-4fd6-9bd6-5679aeea5c4d",
"signDoc" : "https://ais.intarsys.de/AIS-Server/etsi/YES/rdsc/v1",
"conformance_levels_supported" : [ "AdES-B-B", "AdES-B-T" ],
"identity_assurance_claims_supported" : [ "place_of_birth", "address", "birthdate", "nationalities", "given_name", "family_name" ],
"default_signing_documents" : [ {
"lang" : "de",
"text" : "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich die angegebenen Daten sorgfältig geprüft habe und diese auf meine Person zutreffen."
}, {
"lang" : "en",
"text" : "I hereby confirm that I have carefully checked the data provided and that they apply to my person."
} ]
} ]
READ By Issuer Response Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
JSON object containing the issuer in the attribute |
See Signing Service Solution design chapters IDP Selection Phase and Service Configuration. |
Empty JSON object signifying that payment initation is supported by the IDP. See the chapter on service configuration in Payment Initiaion Service |
10. Mediation Records v2
This chapter describes the current version of the API for mediation records. |
See the respective sub-chapters for more information about the data model.
For error responses see General expectable responses.
10.1. API Operations
10.1.1. CREATE: General Information
Mediation records are polymorph, i.e. different kinds of services use different kinds of mediation records with different sets of attributes.
All kinds of mediation records are created via the same API.
The following scope is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
mr_create |
Create a mediation record, unrestricted |
mr_create#owner_id:{{owner_id}} |
Create a mediation record, restricted to 'owner_id' given in HTTP body |
Representing Nested Claims in Identity*Records
In case of nested claims like in https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data
, the claim name
is constructed by adding the nested claim name to the outer claim name after a separating /
"claims_names" : [
"email", "email_verified",
Representing Verification Requirements in IdentityRecords
In case of nested attributes in https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/verification
, the name
is constructed by adding the nested attributes name to the outer attributes name after a separating /
"fulfilled_verification_requirements" : [
"identity_document/type", "identity_document/method", "date"
10.1.2. CREATE IdentityRecord: Method POST
Create a mediation record for identity (created by IDP when called by RP via token- or userinfo-endpoints).
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/mediationrecords/v2' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"type" : "identity",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "dc9ed5ec-c060-4b72-816b-54fdb56228c3",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:08.935Z",
"provided_claim_names" : [ "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/given_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/txn", "verified_claims/claims/place_of_birth", "https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented", "nationalities", "verified_claims/claims/given_name", "sub", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/time", "https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "verified_claims/verification/verification_process", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/organization", "birth_family_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/tax_id", "birth_given_name", "place_of_birth", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/family_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/salutation", "title", "https://www.yes.com/claims/preferred_iban", "verified_claims/claims/birthdate", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_issuance", "https://www.yes.com/claims/title", "verified_claims/claims/family_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/birthdate", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/number", "verified_claims/claims/address", "txn", "phone_number", "https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent", "family_name", "verified_claims/claims/birth_family_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/country", "birth_middle_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality", "given_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/transaction_id", "verified_claims/claims/birth_middle_name", "verified_claims/verification/time", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/method", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/type", "verified_claims/verification/trust_framework", "phone_number_verified", "gender", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/address", "email", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/type", "https://www.yes.com/claims/delivery_address", "birthdate", "salutation", "email_verified", "verified_claims/claims/nationalities", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_expiry", "verified_claims/claims/birth_given_name", "address", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality" ],
"fulfilled_verification_requirements" : [ "identity_document/method", "identity_document/type" ],
"requested_claims" : {
"userinfo" : {
"email" : null,
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : {
"essential" : true
"family_name" : {
"essential" : true
"birthdate" : {
"essential" : true
"place_of_birth" : {
"essential" : true
"nationalities" : {
"essential" : true
"address" : {
"essential" : true
"verification" : {
"trust_framework" : {
"value" : "de_aml"
"evidence" : [ {
"type" : {
"value" : "id_document"
"method" : {
"value" : "pipp"
"document" : {
"type" : {
"values" : [ "idcard", "passport" ]
} ]
"id_token" : {
"sub" : null,
"acr" : {
"value" : "https://www.yes.com/acrs/online_banking_sca"
"provided_acr_value" : "https://www.yes.com/acrs/online_banking_sca",
"endpoint" : "token"
Mediation Request Model for IdentityRecord
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
Must be |
The record type. |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The OP’s issuer URL. Must correspond to the |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 50 characters |
The transaction id as returned to the RP. |
(optional) 1 to 100 characters restricted to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and dashes ("-") |
A unique reference id for the mediation record, e.g. a uuid. Uniqueness is considered per idp (issuers), i.e. different issuers can use the same reference ids. If the reference id already exists, a HTTP Status 409 Conflict is returned. |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
The mediation record delivery timestamp, when the service was provided. |
not null or empty / 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null or empty, max. 200 characters per claim name. |
The list of the names of the claims delivered to the RP, cf. Representing Nested Claims in Identity*Records |
(optional) |
The acr value attested to the RP, e.g. |
(optional) json object |
The requested claims incl. all claims resulting from scopes, and the acr value. Top-level members are 'id_token' and 'userinfo' to group the claims requested at the different endpoints according to the banking ecosystem specification or the claims parameter |
(optional) if requirements requested in the verification claim specification were fulfilled, the OP attests them here |
The list of the verification requirements the OP fulfilled, cf. Representing Verification Requirements in IdentityRecords |
must be either |
The endpoint the RP used to request the user data. |
Result response HTTP 201 (created)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:45:08 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 4244
"type" : "identity",
"id" : 16,
"creation_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:08.957Z",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "dc9ed5ec-c060-4b72-816b-54fdb56228c3",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:08.935Z",
"provided_claim_names" : [ "birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality", "https://www.yes.com/claims/title", "verified_claims/claims/birth_middle_name", "verified_claims/claims/place_of_birth", "nationalities", "verified_claims/verification/time", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/method", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/country", "verified_claims/claims/birth_given_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "verified_claims/claims/nationalities", "https://www.yes.com/claims/salutation", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/type", "verified_claims/claims/family_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/given_name", "birth_family_name", "verified_claims/verification/verification_process", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality", "verified_claims/claims/address", "phone_number", "birth_middle_name", "salutation", "sub", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_expiry", "verified_claims/claims/birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent", "gender", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "title", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_issuance", "verified_claims/claims/birth_family_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/txn", "email", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/address", "https://www.yes.com/claims/preferred_iban", "verified_claims/claims/given_name", "email_verified", "address", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/type", "https://www.yes.com/claims/delivery_address", "phone_number_verified", "txn", "given_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/organization", "https://www.yes.com/claims/tax_id", "birth_given_name", "place_of_birth", "https://www.yes.com/claims/transaction_id", "https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/time", "verified_claims/verification/trust_framework", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/family_name", "family_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/number" ],
"fulfilled_verification_requirements" : [ "identity_document/type", "identity_document/method" ],
"requested_claims" : {
"userinfo" : {
"email" : null,
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : {
"essential" : true
"family_name" : {
"essential" : true
"birthdate" : {
"essential" : true
"place_of_birth" : {
"essential" : true
"nationalities" : {
"essential" : true
"address" : {
"essential" : true
"verification" : {
"trust_framework" : {
"value" : "de_aml"
"evidence" : [ {
"type" : {
"value" : "id_document"
"method" : {
"value" : "pipp"
"document" : {
"type" : {
"values" : [ "idcard", "passport" ]
} ]
"id_token" : {
"sub" : null,
"acr" : {
"value" : "https://www.yes.com/acrs/online_banking_sca"
"provided_acr_value" : "https://www.yes.com/acrs/online_banking_sca",
"endpoint" : "token"
Mediation Response Model for IdentityRecord
Field | Type | Description |
The record type, always |
the mediation record id |
the service consumer id |
The time, when the service was provided as a ISO-8601 timestamp with a precision of milliseconds. |
The time, when the record was received by mediation record service as a ISO-8601 timestamp with a precision of milliseconds. |
The OP’s issuer URL |
The transaction id as returned to the RP |
A unique identifier for the mediation record provided by the creator of the record. |
The |
The list of the names of the claims delivered to the RP, cf. Representing Nested Claims in Identity*Records |
The acr value attested to the RP, e.g. |
The requested claims as a claims parameter Json object. |
The list of the verification requirements the OP fulfilled, cf. Representing Verification Requirements in IdentityRecords |
The endpoint the RP used to request the user data, always |
10.1.3. CREATE IdentityForServiceProviderRecord: Method POST
Create a mediation record for identity (created by IDP when called by SP via introspection-endpoint).
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/mediationrecords/v2' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"type" : "identity_for_service_provider",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "f35fca10-3a25-4c04-ab0f-5821886ffa1b",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:47.684Z",
"provided_claim_names" : [ "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/given_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/txn", "verified_claims/claims/place_of_birth", "https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented", "nationalities", "verified_claims/claims/given_name", "sub", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/time", "https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "verified_claims/verification/verification_process", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/organization", "birth_family_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/tax_id", "birth_given_name", "place_of_birth", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/family_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/salutation", "title", "https://www.yes.com/claims/preferred_iban", "verified_claims/claims/birthdate", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_issuance", "https://www.yes.com/claims/title", "verified_claims/claims/family_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/birthdate", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/number", "verified_claims/claims/address", "txn", "phone_number", "https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent", "family_name", "verified_claims/claims/birth_family_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/country", "birth_middle_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality", "given_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/transaction_id", "verified_claims/claims/birth_middle_name", "verified_claims/verification/time", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/method", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/type", "verified_claims/verification/trust_framework", "phone_number_verified", "gender", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/address", "email", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/type", "https://www.yes.com/claims/delivery_address", "birthdate", "salutation", "email_verified", "verified_claims/claims/nationalities", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_expiry", "verified_claims/claims/birth_given_name", "address", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality" ],
"requested_claims" : {
"userinfo" : {
"email" : null,
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : {
"essential" : true
"family_name" : {
"essential" : true
"birthdate" : {
"essential" : true
"place_of_birth" : {
"essential" : true
"nationalities" : {
"essential" : true
"address" : {
"essential" : true
"verification" : {
"trust_framework" : {
"value" : "de_aml"
"evidence" : [ {
"type" : {
"value" : "id_document"
"method" : {
"value" : "pipp"
"document" : {
"type" : {
"values" : [ "idcard", "passport" ]
} ]
"id_token" : {
"sub" : null,
"acr" : {
"value" : "https://www.yes.com/acrs/online_banking_sca"
"provided_acr_value" : "https://www.yes.com/acrs/online_banking_sca",
"endpoint" : "introspection",
"service_provider_id" : "sp:yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8"
Mediation Request Model for IdentityForServiceProviderRecord
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
Must be |
The record type. |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The OP’s issuer URL. Must correspond to the |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 50 characters |
The transaction id as returned to the SP |
(optional) 1 to 100 characters restricted to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and dashes ("-") |
A unique reference id for the mediation record, e.g. a uuid. Uniqueness is considered per service provider (issuer and service_provider_id), i.e. different service providers can use the same reference ids. If the reference id for the given issuer and service_provider_id already exists, a HTTP Status 409 Conflict is returned. |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
The mediation record delivery timestamp, when the service was provided. |
not null or empty / 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null or empty, max. 200 characters per claim name. |
The list of the names of the claims delivered to the RP, cf. Representing Nested Claims in Identity*Records |
The acr value attested to the SP. |
must be |
The endpoint the SP used to request the user data. |
(optional) json object |
The requested claims incl. all claims resulting from scopes, and the acr value. Top-level members are 'id_token' and 'userinfo' to group the claims requested at the different endpoints according to the banking ecosystem specification or the claims parameter |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
Must be the |
Result response HTTP 201 (created)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:45:48 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 4252
"type" : "identity_for_service_provider",
"id" : 18,
"creation_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:48.361Z",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "f35fca10-3a25-4c04-ab0f-5821886ffa1b",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:47.684Z",
"provided_claim_names" : [ "birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality", "https://www.yes.com/claims/title", "verified_claims/claims/birth_middle_name", "verified_claims/claims/place_of_birth", "nationalities", "verified_claims/verification/time", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/method", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/country", "verified_claims/claims/birth_given_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "verified_claims/claims/nationalities", "https://www.yes.com/claims/salutation", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/type", "verified_claims/claims/family_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/given_name", "birth_family_name", "verified_claims/verification/verification_process", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality", "verified_claims/claims/address", "phone_number", "birth_middle_name", "salutation", "sub", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_expiry", "verified_claims/claims/birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent", "gender", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "title", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_issuance", "verified_claims/claims/birth_family_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/txn", "email", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/address", "https://www.yes.com/claims/preferred_iban", "verified_claims/claims/given_name", "email_verified", "address", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/type", "https://www.yes.com/claims/delivery_address", "phone_number_verified", "txn", "given_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/organization", "https://www.yes.com/claims/tax_id", "birth_given_name", "place_of_birth", "https://www.yes.com/claims/transaction_id", "https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/time", "verified_claims/verification/trust_framework", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/family_name", "family_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/number" ],
"requested_claims" : {
"userinfo" : {
"email" : null,
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : {
"essential" : true
"family_name" : {
"essential" : true
"birthdate" : {
"essential" : true
"place_of_birth" : {
"essential" : true
"nationalities" : {
"essential" : true
"address" : {
"essential" : true
"verification" : {
"trust_framework" : {
"value" : "de_aml"
"evidence" : [ {
"type" : {
"value" : "id_document"
"method" : {
"value" : "pipp"
"document" : {
"type" : {
"values" : [ "idcard", "passport" ]
} ]
"id_token" : {
"sub" : null,
"acr" : {
"value" : "https://www.yes.com/acrs/online_banking_sca"
"provided_acr_value" : "https://www.yes.com/acrs/online_banking_sca",
"endpoint" : "introspection",
"service_provider_id" : "sp:yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8"
Mediation Response Model for IdentityForServiceProviderRecord
Field | Type | Description |
The record type, always |
the mediation record id |
the service consumer id |
The time, when the service was provided as a ISO-8601 timestamp with a precision of milliseconds. |
The time, when the record was received by mediation record service as a ISO-8601 timestamp with a precision of milliseconds. |
The OP’s issuer URL |
The transaction id as returned to the SP |
A unique identifier for the mediation record provided by the creator of the record. |
The |
The list of the names of the claims delivered to the SP, cf. Representing Nested Claims in Identity*Records |
The acr value attested to the SP, e.g. |
The endpoint the SP used to request the user data, always |
The requested claims as a claims parameter Json object. |
the |
10.1.4. CREATE RemoteSignatureCreationRecord: Method POST
Create a mediation record for QES (created by QTSP when a signature is issued for an RP).
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/mediationrecords/v2' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"type" : "remote_signature_creation",
"count" : 2,
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "f8f9499c-ff82-4585-8619-9eaf2c8cbeba",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:43:46.974Z",
"credentialID" : "qes_eidas",
"service_provider_id" : "sp:yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8"
Mediation Request Model for RemoteSignatureCreationRecord
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
Must be |
The record type. |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The OP’s issuer URL. Must correspond to the |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 50 characters |
The transaction id as returned to the SP by the OP. |
(optional) 1 to 100 characters restricted to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and dashes ("-") |
A unique reference id for the mediation record, e.g. a uuid. Uniqueness is considered per qtsp (issuer and service_provider_id), i.e. service providers can use the same reference ids. If the reference id for the given issuer and service_provider_id already exists, a HTTP Status 409 Conflict is returned. |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
The mediation record delivery timestamp, when the service was provided. |
not null or empty / 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
Must be the |
positive number or zero |
The number of signatures created. |
not null, must be |
The kind of signature created. |
(optional) max. 200 characters per claim name |
The list of the names of the claims delivered to the RP, cf. Representing Nested Claims in Identity*Records |
(optional) json object |
The requested claims from the |
Result response HTTP 201 (created)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:43:47 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 504
"type" : "remote_signature_creation",
"id" : 2,
"count" : 2,
"creation_time" : "2024-03-06T02:43:47.765Z",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "f8f9499c-ff82-4585-8619-9eaf2c8cbeba",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:43:46.974Z",
"credentialID" : "qes_eidas",
"service_provider_id" : "sp:yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8"
Mediation Response Model for RemoteSignatureCreationRecord
Field | Type | Description |
The record type, always |
the mediation record id |
the service consumer id |
The time, when the service was provided as a ISO-8601 timestamp with a precision of milliseconds. |
The time, when the record was received by mediation record service as a ISO-8601 timestamp with a precision of milliseconds. |
The OP’s issuer URL |
The transaction id as returned to the SP |
A unique identifier for the mediation record provided by the creator of the record. |
The |
Must be the |
The number of signatured created |
The kind of signature created. |
The list of the names of the claims delivered to the SP, cf. Representing Nested Claims in Identity*Records |
The requested claims as a claims parameter Json object. |
10.1.5. CREATE PaymentInitiation Record: Method POST
Create a mediation record for payment initiation
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/mediationrecords/v2' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"type" : "payment_initiation",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "b1e8bece-7502-42a0-8605-0148ca22bc0a",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:44:30.538Z",
"paymentProduct" : "sepa-credit-transfers",
"currency" : "EUR",
"amount" : 47.11,
"debtorAccount" : [ "iban", "holderName" ]
Mediation Request Model for PaymentInitiationRecord
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
Must be |
The record type. |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The OP’s issuer URL. Must correspond to the |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 50 characters |
The transaction id as returned to the SP by the OP. |
(optional) 1 to 100 characters restricted to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and dashes ("-") |
A unique reference id for the mediation record, e.g. a uuid. Uniqueness is considered per qtsp (issuer and service_provider_id), i.e. service providers can use the same reference ids. If the reference id for the given issuer and service_provider_id already exists, a HTTP Status 409 Conflict is returned. |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
The mediation record delivery timestamp, when the service was provided. |
not null or empty / 1 to 100 characters |
The |
Must be |
The payment product. Currently, only |
Must be |
ISO 4217 Alpha 3 currency code from the payment. Currently, only |
not null, positive number |
The amount from the payment given with fractional digits, where fractions must be compliant to the currency definition.
Up to 14 significant figures with a maximum of two decimal places for currency Example: Valid representations for EUR with up to two decimals are: |
(optional) max. 200 characters per value |
An array containing up to two strings depending on the checks requested by the RP using debtorAccount in the request: - the string - the string |
Result response HTTP 201 (created)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:44:31 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 505
"type" : "payment_initiation",
"id" : 7,
"creation_time" : "2024-03-06T02:44:31.195Z",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "b1e8bece-7502-42a0-8605-0148ca22bc0a",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:44:30.538Z",
"paymentProduct" : "sepa-credit-transfers",
"currency" : "EUR",
"amount" : 47.11,
"debtorAccount" : [ "holderName", "iban" ]
Mediation Response Model for PaymentInitiationRecord
Field | Type | Description |
The record type, always |
the mediation record id |
the service consumer id |
The time, when the service was provided as a ISO-8601 timestamp with a precision of milliseconds. |
The time, when the record was received by mediation record service as a ISO-8601 timestamp with a precision of milliseconds. |
The OP’s issuer URL |
The transaction id as returned to the SP |
A unique identifier for the mediation record provided by the creator of the record. |
The |
The payment product. Currently, only |
ISO 4217 Alpha 3 currency code from the payment. Currently, only |
The amount from the payment given with fractional digits, where fractions must be compliant to the currency definition.
Up to 14 significant figures with a maximum of two decimal places for currency Example: Valid representations for EUR with up to two decimals are: |
An array containing up to two strings depending on the checks requested by the RP using debtorAccount in the request: - the string - the string |
10.1.6. CREATE AccountInformation Record: Method POST
This type of mediation record is only available in the development environment ("sandbox"), but not yet in production. |
Create a mediation record for account information
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/mediationrecords/v2' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"type" : "ais_accounts",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "05fb7bea-9581-400d-bf49-f0c45ebb18b8",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:17.608Z",
"additionalInformation" : [ "ownerName" ]
Mediation Request Model for AccountInformationRecord
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
Must be |
The record type. |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The OP’s issuer URL. Must correspond to the |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 50 characters |
The transaction id as returned to the SP by the OP. |
(optional) 1 to 100 characters restricted to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and dashes ("-") |
A unique reference id for the mediation record, e.g. a uuid. Uniqueness is considered per qtsp (issuer and service_provider_id), i.e. service providers can use the same reference ids. If the reference id for the given issuer and service_provider_id already exists, a HTTP Status 409 Conflict is returned. |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
The mediation record delivery timestamp, when the service was provided. |
not null or empty / 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, max. 200 characters per additional information name |
array of additional information elements that were delivered if they were delivered for at least one account,
identified by their name; currently either an empty array or |
Result response HTTP 201 (created)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:45:17 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 410
"type" : "ais_accounts",
"id" : 5,
"creation_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:17.634Z",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "05fb7bea-9581-400d-bf49-f0c45ebb18b8",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:17.608Z",
"additionalInformation" : [ "ownerName" ]
Mediation Response Model for AccountInformation
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
Must be |
The record type. |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The OP’s issuer URL. Must correspond to the |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 50 characters |
The transaction id as returned to the SP by the OP. |
(optional) 1 to 100 characters restricted to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and dashes ("-") |
A unique reference id for the mediation record, e.g. a uuid. Uniqueness is considered per qtsp (issuer and service_provider_id), i.e. service providers can use the same reference ids. If the reference id for the given issuer and service_provider_id already exists, a HTTP Status 409 Conflict is returned. |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
The mediation record delivery timestamp, when the service was provided. |
not null or empty / 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, max. 200 characters per additional information name |
array of additional information elements that were delivered if they were delivered for at least one account,
identified by their name; currently either an empty array or |
10.1.7. CREATE AccountTransactions Record: Method POST
This type of mediation record is only available in the development environment ("sandbox"), but not yet in production. |
Create a mediation record for account transactions
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/mediationrecords/v2' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"type" : "ais_transactions",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "ec80b357-4337-45d4-a1ee-670c24585c2a",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:44:00.962Z",
"accountType" : "cardAccount",
"dateFrom" : 1.608823391252E9,
"dateTo" : 1.709693040963056E9,
"recordCount" : 23
Mediation Request Model for AccountTransactionsRecord
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
Must be |
The record type. |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The OP’s issuer URL. Must correspond to the |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 50 characters |
The transaction id as returned to the SP by the OP. |
(optional) 1 to 100 characters restricted to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and dashes ("-") |
A unique reference id for the mediation record, e.g. a uuid. Uniqueness is considered per qtsp (issuer and service_provider_id), i.e. service providers can use the same reference ids. If the reference id for the given issuer and service_provider_id already exists, a HTTP Status 409 Conflict is returned. |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
The mediation record delivery timestamp, when the service was provided. |
not null or empty / 1 to 100 characters |
The |
must be either |
the type of account accessed |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
set to the respective values in the AIS transactions access request; or equivalent calculated from default access history duration if parameters where not given |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
set to the respective values in the AIS transactions access request; or equivalent calculated from default access history duration if parameters where not given |
positive number or zero |
number of transaction records delivered |
Result response HTTP 201 (created)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:44:00 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 513
"type" : "ais_transactions",
"id" : 1,
"creation_time" : "2024-03-06T02:44:01.003Z",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "ec80b357-4337-45d4-a1ee-670c24585c2a",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:44:00.962Z",
"accountType" : "cardAccount",
"dateFrom" : "2020-12-24T15:23:11.252Z",
"dateTo" : "2024-03-06T02:44:00.96305612Z",
"recordCount" : 23
Mediation Response Model for AccountTransactions
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
Must be |
The record type. |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The OP’s issuer URL. Must correspond to the |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 50 characters |
The transaction id as returned to the SP by the OP. |
(optional) 1 to 100 characters restricted to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and dashes ("-") |
A unique reference id for the mediation record, e.g. a uuid. Uniqueness is considered per qtsp (issuer and service_provider_id), i.e. service providers can use the same reference ids. If the reference id for the given issuer and service_provider_id already exists, a HTTP Status 409 Conflict is returned. |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
The mediation record delivery timestamp, when the service was provided. |
not null or empty / 1 to 100 characters |
The |
must be either |
the type of account accessed |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
set to the respective values in the AIS transactions access request; or equivalent calculated from default access history duration if parameters where not given |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
set to the respective values in the AIS transactions access request; or equivalent calculated from default access history duration if parameters where not given |
positive number or zero |
number of transaction records delivered |
10.1.8. CREATE AccountBalances Record: Method POST
This type of mediation record is only available in the development environment ("sandbox"), but not yet in production. |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/mediationrecords/v2' -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"type" : "ais_balances",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "9274904a-4711-450b-86ab-c477e9623b7f",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:44:45.332Z",
"accountType" : "account"
Mediation Request Model for AccountBalancesRecord
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
Must be |
The record type. |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The OP’s issuer URL. Must correspond to the |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 50 characters |
The transaction id as returned to the SP by the OP. |
(optional) 1 to 100 characters restricted to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and dashes ("-") |
A unique reference id for the mediation record, e.g. a uuid. Uniqueness is considered per qtsp (issuer and service_provider_id), i.e. service providers can use the same reference ids. If the reference id for the given issuer and service_provider_id already exists, a HTTP Status 409 Conflict is returned. |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
The mediation record delivery timestamp, when the service was provided. |
not null or empty / 1 to 100 characters |
The |
must be either |
the type of account accessed |
Result response HTTP 201 (created)
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:44:44 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 394
"type" : "ais_balances",
"id" : 3,
"creation_time" : "2024-03-06T02:44:45.409Z",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "9274904a-4711-450b-86ab-c477e9623b7f",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:44:45.332Z",
"accountType" : "account"
Mediation Response Model for AccountBalances
Field | Type | Restriction | Description |
Must be |
The record type. |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The OP’s issuer URL. Must correspond to the |
not null, 1 to 100 characters |
The |
not null, 1 to 50 characters |
The transaction id as returned to the SP by the OP. |
(optional) 1 to 100 characters restricted to a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and dashes ("-") |
A unique reference id for the mediation record, e.g. a uuid. Uniqueness is considered per qtsp (issuer and service_provider_id), i.e. service providers can use the same reference ids. If the reference id for the given issuer and service_provider_id already exists, a HTTP Status 409 Conflict is returned. |
not null, ISO-8601 timestamp with a maximum precision of milliseconds |
The mediation record delivery timestamp, when the service was provided. |
not null or empty / 1 to 100 characters |
The |
must be either |
the type of account accessed |
10.1.9. READ : Method GET
Read all mediation records.
The following scope is required to perform this operation:
Scope value | Description |
mr_read |
Read mediation records, unrestricted |
mr_read#owner_id:{{ |
Read mediation records, restricted to the |
The mediation records can be filtered with a time range, id range and the owner_id
The parameters have to be sent as url parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from |
String |
(optional) ISO-8601 timestamp with timezone in format "yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:hh" + time zone
(e.g. 2018-02-02T12:00:00Z or 2018-02-02T12:00:00+01:00) |
to |
String |
(optional) ISO-8601 timestamp in format "yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:hh" + time zone
(e.g. 2018-02-02T12:00:00Z or 2018-02-02T12:00:00+01:00) |
fromId |
Long |
(optional) positive number denoting a mediation record id |
toId |
Long |
(optional) positive number denoting a mediation record id |
owner_id |
String |
(optional) String, the |
$ curl 'https://api.sandbox.openbanking.verimi.cloud/mediationrecords/v2' -i -X GET
Result response HTTP 200 (OK)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 02:45:33 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 8857
[ {
"type" : "identity",
"id" : 16,
"creation_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:33.711Z",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "2ec93120-301b-4f9c-83f9-b4b376e01c86",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:33.711Z",
"provided_claim_names" : [ "birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality", "https://www.yes.com/claims/title", "verified_claims/claims/birth_middle_name", "verified_claims/claims/place_of_birth", "nationalities", "verified_claims/verification/time", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/method", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/country", "verified_claims/claims/birth_given_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "verified_claims/claims/nationalities", "https://www.yes.com/claims/salutation", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/type", "verified_claims/claims/family_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/given_name", "birth_family_name", "verified_claims/verification/verification_process", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality", "verified_claims/claims/address", "phone_number", "birth_middle_name", "salutation", "sub", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_expiry", "verified_claims/claims/birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent", "gender", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "title", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_issuance", "verified_claims/claims/birth_family_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/txn", "email", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/address", "https://www.yes.com/claims/preferred_iban", "verified_claims/claims/given_name", "email_verified", "address", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/type", "https://www.yes.com/claims/delivery_address", "phone_number_verified", "txn", "given_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/organization", "https://www.yes.com/claims/tax_id", "birth_given_name", "place_of_birth", "https://www.yes.com/claims/transaction_id", "https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/time", "verified_claims/verification/trust_framework", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/family_name", "family_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/number" ],
"fulfilled_verification_requirements" : [ "identity_document/type", "identity_document/method" ],
"requested_claims" : {
"userinfo" : {
"email" : null,
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : {
"essential" : true
"family_name" : {
"essential" : true
"birthdate" : {
"essential" : true
"place_of_birth" : {
"essential" : true
"nationalities" : {
"essential" : true
"address" : {
"essential" : true
"verification" : {
"trust_framework" : {
"value" : "de_aml"
"evidence" : [ {
"type" : {
"value" : "id_document"
"method" : {
"value" : "pipp"
"document" : {
"type" : {
"values" : [ "idcard", "passport" ]
} ]
"id_token" : {
"sub" : null,
"acr" : {
"value" : "https://www.yes.com/acrs/online_banking_sca"
"endpoint" : "token"
}, {
"type" : "identity_for_service_provider",
"id" : 17,
"creation_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:33.711Z",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "bfd43e35-e643-4c4c-a122-93a8adce9f77",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:33.711Z",
"provided_claim_names" : [ "birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality", "https://www.yes.com/claims/title", "verified_claims/claims/birth_middle_name", "verified_claims/claims/place_of_birth", "nationalities", "verified_claims/verification/time", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/method", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/country", "verified_claims/claims/birth_given_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "verified_claims/claims/nationalities", "https://www.yes.com/claims/salutation", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/type", "verified_claims/claims/family_name", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/given_name", "birth_family_name", "verified_claims/verification/verification_process", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/nationality", "verified_claims/claims/address", "phone_number", "birth_middle_name", "salutation", "sub", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_expiry", "verified_claims/claims/birthdate", "https://www.yes.com/claims/signing_consent", "gender", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/https://www.yes.com/claims/place_of_birth", "title", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/date_of_issuance", "verified_claims/claims/birth_family_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/issuer/name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/txn", "email", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/address", "https://www.yes.com/claims/preferred_iban", "verified_claims/claims/given_name", "email_verified", "address", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/type", "https://www.yes.com/claims/delivery_address", "phone_number_verified", "txn", "given_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/verifier/organization", "https://www.yes.com/claims/tax_id", "birth_given_name", "place_of_birth", "https://www.yes.com/claims/transaction_id", "https://www.yes.com/claims/documents_consented", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/time", "verified_claims/verification/trust_framework", "https://www.yes.com/claims/verified_person_data/claims/family_name", "family_name", "verified_claims/verification/evidence[type='id_document']/document/number" ],
"requested_claims" : {
"userinfo" : {
"email" : null,
"verified_claims" : {
"claims" : {
"given_name" : {
"essential" : true
"family_name" : {
"essential" : true
"birthdate" : {
"essential" : true
"place_of_birth" : {
"essential" : true
"nationalities" : {
"essential" : true
"address" : {
"essential" : true
"verification" : {
"trust_framework" : {
"value" : "de_aml"
"evidence" : [ {
"type" : {
"value" : "id_document"
"method" : {
"value" : "pipp"
"document" : {
"type" : {
"values" : [ "idcard", "passport" ]
} ]
"id_token" : {
"sub" : null,
"acr" : {
"value" : "https://www.yes.com/acrs/online_banking_sca"
"endpoint" : "token",
"service_provider_id" : "sp:yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8"
}, {
"type" : "remote_signature_creation",
"id" : 18,
"count" : 2,
"creation_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:33.712Z",
"issuer" : "https://idp.bank.test/issuer/",
"owner_id" : "133874",
"client_id" : "yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8",
"transaction_id" : "TX-2310",
"reference_id" : "f9364810-24c9-40cd-8517-d2bb290cf022",
"delivery_time" : "2024-03-06T02:45:33.712Z",
"credentialID" : "qes_eidas",
"service_provider_id" : "sp:yes.com:279855b893-8ba1-4d6e-aa0c-9972d4ea4ac8"
} ]
The response is polymorph, i.e. may contain all different kinds of mediation records. See the different create chapters for details.
11. Error Responses
11.1. Error Response Version 1
APIs with version 1 return the following error response in case of an error.
11.1.1. Data Model for Error Responses V1
Path | Type | Description |
error time_stamp as ISO-8601 utc value |
the api error code |
the error message detail |
11.2. Error Response Version 2
APIs with version 2 (a resource path containing /v2
) use a different error response, see
Data Model for Error Responses V2, but behave in all other respects as the API with version 1.
11.2.1. Data Model for Error Responses V2
Path | Type | Description |
the id of the error |
a description about the error |
11.3. General expectable responses
These responses with http status codes can be received on all methods, due to security errors or validation of data models.
The examples given conform to the data model for error responses in version 1.
11.3.1. HTTP 400 (bad request)
When data model or request arguments are invalid.
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:38:14 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Length: 135
"server_time" : "2018-03-21T12:38:15.697+01:00[Europe/Berlin]",
"code" : "400",
"message" : "one or more fields were invalid"
11.3.2. HTTP 401 (unauthorized)
When some security issues happen, like access_token invalid signature, wrong issuer, expired or not valid, etc.
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:38:11 GMT
11.3.3. HTTP 403 (forbidden)
When access_token is valid but doesn’t contain right scopes to access the service endpoint.
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:38:15 GMT
Content-Length: 135
"server_time" : "2018-03-21T12:38:16.061+01:00[Europe/Berlin]",
"code" : "401",
"message" : "Invalid or missing access token"
11.3.4. HTTP 404 (not found)
When a resource is not found.
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:38:14 GMT
Content-Length: 130
"server_time" : "2018-03-21T12:38:15.084+01:00[Europe/Berlin]",
"code" : "404",
"message" : "requested rp was not found"
11.3.5. HTTP 409 (conflict)
Creating a mediation record v2 with a reference id that was already used for another record results in this error.
Concurrent changes to a resource can in rare cases result in this error. Please retry your change to the resource after retrieving it again.